The twins

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At six months you went for your second scan sighing as hux helped you to the infirmary sitting you on a bed and letting the droid undo your shirt rubbing the scanner over your stomach slowly the picture on the small screen beside you starting to show. Hux looked at it confused "why are there two of these"he asked pointing at the small shapes on the screen "well it appears she is carrying twins"the droid responded making you smile.
9 months:
It was about two in the morning when you woke up feeling a sudden pain in your stomach you sat up realising your bed was completely soaked and it took you only a matter of seconds to realise what was happening "H-HUX!!"you shouted hearing the ginger male getting up at top speed in the room beside you running into your room and rushing to your side calling for a medical droid and waking up mitaka to come lend a hand. You were quickly rushed to the infirmary and into your own room where you were placed on a bed with hux sitting at your side his black shirt and shorts were still on and his hair was still messy.
He held onto your hand as you squeezed it tightly crying out as your contractions started hux had to start breathing heavily himself as the grip you had on his hand was painfully tight.
About one hour through hux felt his hand get held tighter as you started taking deep breaths feeling the need to start pushing the droid looking carefully at your lower half through your already spread legs as you started making pained noises as you pushed.
About ten minutes later you exhaled sharply as the a baby's crys filled the room making hux smile up at you "look at that half way through"he said reassuringly making you chuckle.
Your contractions came back making you start breathing heavily again as the second half started making hux tense up as his hand was squeezed again. It was another half hour before you had finished looking down at hux as the twins were cleaned up one a boy the other a girl "are you alright"hux asked looking at you "id ask the same for you mister stress"you teased chuckling.
Soon a droid brought the twins over handing the little girl to hux and the boy to you. You smiled down at the baby cradled in your arms then looking over at a rather scared hux "are you okay" you asked smiling "yes ive never held a baby before so this is very new to me"he said making you laugh looking down at the two babies smiling "i think ill name the boy anakin and the girl hera"you said smiling out of breath

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