chapter 6,the sith of unstoppable force

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kylos pov

i woke up that morning and as i opened my eyes i realized sato wasnt there any more. i panicked i jumped out of bed and started looking for her then i saw a note at the side of my bed.

dear ben                                                                                                                                                                                                i know you are probably panicking wondering where i am dont worry im safe general hux woke me up early saying i had to go on a mission to another planet because we found evidence of the prints for the new rebel base dont worry ill be careful -sato

my eyes widened how could hux do this without me knowing i thought as i stormed down the hall towards the control room as soon as i saw him i activated my saber "ren whats gotten into you" he questioned "why did you give sato a mission she could get hurt" i shouted "dont worry shell be fine" he replied.

satos pov                                                                                                                                                                                               i exited the ship and walked into the town we were attacking screams echoed the town as stormtroopers left their ships and started rounding people up as i walked through the town many of the people tryed to hurt me only about three succeeding by using blasters but i was still able to walk by the time the troopers had everyone up i had killed about 10 people. i walked up to the huddle of about 20 people and as soon as i did a man pointed a blaster at me and right before he shot i grab a small child that was clutching to the man and i put my saber to his neck and i let the saber burn through his nick until his body fell limp to the floor. "oops"i said jokingly before turning around and saying "kill them all" the troopers aimed their guns and everyone started screaming then all the troopers began shooting one of the men had made it out and ran towards me he lay a strong punch to my side making me fall over then he too was killed. i walked back into the ship and sat down soon phasma joined me and we left.

3rd person                                                                                                                                                                                      as sato entered the base again general hux was there to greet her he looked pretty annoyed as after kylo left he started destroying stuff. hux and sato walked down the hall and they talked about that particular mission sato told him that the blueprints for the new rebel base couldnt be found there.soon hux left sato at the door of the room snokes holo messages were transmitted from sato walked in and saw kylo talking to snoke about how hux shouldnt be sending her on missions without him with her. snoke saw sat approaching him and he told kylo to leave them kylo left looking at all the blaster marks on satos armor. sato spoke to snoke about how she couldnt find the blueprints snoke said that was fine and then told her to take phasma hux and kylo to a remote peaceful planet for a break and that she was to train everyone more in self defense especially hux. sato left snoke to go inform the others about the trip she told hux and phasma about it and then walked to her room and got her pajamas on before going to tell kylo she walked in and walked straight into kylos arms he hugged her as tight as he could. once he let her go he took a closer look at all her scars from the mission he noticed a large blaster mark on her side he traced his hand over it and as he did sato let out a sharp hiss. kylo said she would need to take a bath to stop infection so he went and ran a bath for her once it was done she took her clothes off and got in it was extremely painful when the ater hit her burn mark but she got used to it soon kylo came in with a bottle of conditioner and sat down on a seat by the side of the bath he put some of the lavender scented hair product on her h/l h/c hair and massaged his hands through her hair and then rinsed her hair and got her out he also dried her off and got her ready for bed."tonight you have treated me like everything must be done or me"sato said while her and kylo lay in bed together "i know" he replied sweetly before drifting off to sleep 

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