"Well. Have a nice night Mikey.. you should probably be going. The city isn't the best at night"

"Oh believe Me I know" he laughs and walks away.

Before I turn to go inside "Hey THANKS!!!"


I froze in my tracks. you're welcome.
The voice...
it's only been seconds I spin back around "WAI-" he was gone.

"It was him.." I look around pondering.

spastic, I go inside and run quickly up the stairs to my apartment, pulling out my keys on the way and was ready to unlock the door when I got there.

I unlock the door and Chancy as happy as ever jumps on me in a baby voice I talk to the dog,
"I met him!!! Or what I think is him.. maybe.." I kiss the hyper dog on the forehead, taking off my jacket then feeding him.
I hear Emily get up and walk down the hallway. Knowing my ass was going to be chewed I pay my attention towards food.
"Can you PLEASE be quiet? I really Need my sleep" Emily pouts rubbing her temple

I roll my eyes fixing mu own dinner, and start to talk to myself

"You're welcome..dude...you're .....welcome...d-"

"I'm serious! Be quite!!!" Emily storms off slamming her door.
I laugh mocking her. "I'm serious mleh be quite mleh" I take my food out of the microwave, go and sit on the couch, then starts watching reruns of Big Bang Theory.

My roommate and I are living on the top floor had a pretty decent view. The only problem was we can hear everyone and everything that made a noise up there. But the plus side was, no one lived above us and I just so happen to go up there occasionally.

"It's a really nice night chancy.."

The dog replied with growls and squeaks

" you know what? I will go up there..."

I walk over to the window opening it and smelling the fresh air.

I climb up and lay looking up at the stars. And silence falls around me

While admiring the stars, I thought over the last few days.

The air outside felt nice, people were asleep so not much noise coming from inside of the building. Or surrounding ones. A couple of cars every once and while, and maybe some footsteps from the sidewalk below.

I had lived in this city for a few years now. Not wanting to remember much before I had moved here. Graduated last year, and thought of college. But never had the money.

Now a lonely waitress, living with a 24-year old that treats me like trash. I thought it all over.. then thought of the man in a trench coat and what he had said

"Green hands.." rubbing my eyes and laughing once more "He was lizard oooo" continuing the laughing letting it slowly die out. "Maybe I am going crazy" I close my eyes and try to fall asleep. it fell quiet.

"YOU LOST MIKEY?" A deep grungy voice yelled.

Shocked and a little unsettled I shot up and quickly slid behind one of the vents that I was sitting nearby.

Mikey... I thought to myself .

Mikey from the street?

"I turned around for one minute! And poof, gone!!" This voice was somewhat higher than the other one

"sorry, Raph... you know how Mikey is.."

"Raph...?" I quietly whisper to myself...

A third voice joins in "hey, don't blame Donnie. He shouldn't have gone far"

Masked Heros (Raphael X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now