chapter Nine

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  • Dedicated to roxanneshelly

sorry for the late update.. i just started school at a new school and wanted to get setteled in and i have lots of homework and test.. forgive me ? *puppy dog eyes*

dedication: roxanneshelly

  The wolves started to make a circle around me. the ones who had shifted moved in closer.  i didnt know what to do, but i let Luna do everything. 

  Bree, im not sure if this is a good idea or not, but you might want to shift into human form. it may give us an advantage. Luna told me.

well im not sure.. i think that maybe i should stay in horse.. but show that im going to fight back no matter what? i suggested and Luna aggreed.

 "come on horsey, be good and ill give you a carrot." he said with a snicker. i didnt pay attention to his words. i payed attention to the people moving around..


  i counted the men.. but wasnt there 16 men?i found out my answer when i felt two ropes come around my neck and one lasssoed on my left leg. the man on my left leg pulled my leg out from under me.

i fought, kicked, bit, i did everything i could.. but finally i ran out of steam. by the end, i had multiple roads thrown over my neck and three men holding my head down. when they saw that i wasnt getting up, they slowly stood up, but being prepared for anything that might happen.

 i decided to walk a little and act like i was tired but cautious. my ears were pinned back, and my tail was tucked between my legs.  we continued walking when i decided to act. i threw my head up, catching the men off guard. i reared to get the people to back away. it worked and i bolted. i didnt know which way i was going. finally i reached a clearing and was horrfified to realize i was back at the farm. 

  the men all shifted and laughed. 

 "looks like she just made our job easier." a booming voice said. he sounded like the alpha.

  i snorted and stomped my foot. 

" oh hush up. come on guys, alpha said to put her in the stall in the very back. the high one with the bars on it so she doesnt escape.. he doesnt want her in the outside corral in case she can jump." Beta said again.

 "Yes sir," the men replied and came behind me. i bucked and kicked one man in the face. i felt bad but i needed to do it. one man slapped my flank and i bolted forward, staight into the barn. 

  the made a semi circle to the stall and made sure i didnt have anywhere to go. i bared my teeth and pinned my ears back. they laughed and slapped my flank multiple times.. i wouldnt budge. finally they got tired of me not moving and got a whip out. the slapped my flank and boy did it hurt.

  i ran straight into my stall to get away from that awful thing. i could still feel the sting of the leather whip. it took three men to keep me in my stall and close the door the same time. they slid a hook over also so even if i had shifted i wouldnt be able to get out. it was only opend from the outside. the stall had bars on the stall door and around it; making sure i didnt stick my head out. there were fresh shavings on  the ground and fresh hay to eat and fresh water to drink.

i didnt know what i was in for and i wasnt looking forward to it.


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