chapter 17 (Without A Trace)

Start from the beginning

Nope. Doesn't count as a lie, does it?

It wasn't typical of me to share much with others. Well, I'd never had anyone close enough to share things with before. but I thought it was better if she knew I'd met Akram in case he showed up and started talking to me. She might think I was intentionally hiding something from her, plus, I'd never want to hurt her when She'd been so kind to me.

Granted, happy-go-lucky Asha wasn't the type who takes offense easily. She'd probably interrogate both of us until we spill our life stories and then some.

On second thought, maybe I needed to tell somebody before I died from the suspense.

The part about offering his friendship made her bounce on the balls of her feet, excited like a child.

"Friendship is a great start, you know." She winked and her wide smile dimpled her babyish round cheeks.

I chuckled awkwardly, turning my head away to check his empty table. "It's not what you think. " I dismissed what she implied with a nervous shake of my head. I'd just assured myself yesterday that friendship was the best case scenario. It wouldn't hurt to be his friend if that's what he wanted. There'd be no expectations. No complications. I was lucky he even noticed me. Even if it was in the most undignified way.

"Come on! He initiated this, didn't he? Guys don't do this unless they cared about you." she said softly, cocking her head to the side with a starry-eyed expression.

"I don't think so. He didn't even know me." I pressed my lips, biting the inside flesh. She supposedly had a crush on him first, so I wasn't sure why was she so excited about this ludicrous thought. Although I knew perfectly well why she made this wrong assumption. It was because of the parts I edited from yesterday's incident that led her to think he was interested in me when he was actually just being a gentleman helping a person in need. Maybe even having pity on me after my public screwup.

"See how good a friend I am? I should be jealous of you but I'm not! I'll even agree to be your maid of honor..." she teased, folding her arms and sticking out her tongue as she shimmied her shoulders.

"Thanks goofy! I'll make sure you wear the ugliest feather hat you've ever seen." I hit her lightly on the shoulder as I felt my face burn. She was a cool friend but sometimes she could be a teensy bit annoying. And this flush on my face made me even more annoyed with her.

She giggled, spun around and strained forward across the counter to take a new order when lunch time customers started popping into the café.

I got off the stool, adjusting my apron and getting ready for countless wrestling matches with the espresso machine, carefully handling the hot steam wand that scalded my skin several times since I'd first worked here.

Minutes ticked by as sluggish as ever throughout lunch hours until the numbers in the clock read 3:00 pm.

Where are you now, Akram?!

I started biting the tip of my thumb as I cleaned up the counter around the coffee machine. It should be squeaky clean by now.

He has to come! He promised! Or did he?

Akram was a no show. I began to feel a stupid heaviness in my chest. Is this how it feels to be stood up?

Getting fidgety behind the marble surface of the counter, I began to rock my leg anxiously. My eyes darted to check the time every 2 seconds.

"Are you Okay, Melo?"

I jumped once I heard Asha's concerned question.

"Easy, girl!" She trilled, taken aback by my reaction. "Don't worry. He rarely skipped a day. And It's not vacay yet." She tried to reassure me but I was already feeling down. I hated this feeling but I couldn't help it. I was a bit angry with him too. Although it wasn't his fault I was so desperate to see him!
My head was throbbing with a light headache. Possibly, from over thinking the situation. Why did he say 'see you tomorrow' if he wasn't going to make an appearance? Was it just a phrase that he didn't really mean? He came by every day so why not today when he actually promised to?

Maybe something just came up and he couldn't make it.

Or maybe he didn't even bother to keep his word. It was just casual pleasantries then. He didn't really care. It's possible the friendship thing was only out of politeness.

My shift was Almost over and I already lost hope to see him. After the anxious long wait It felt like I was having withdrawal symptoms. A combo of exhaustion, vexation and disappointment. My limbs were droopy and my head sagging down. I just wanted to go sulk in my bed even though I was not going to fall asleep any time soon. My guess, It was going to be another very long night.


Hello my dearies

Sorry for the boring chapter. I promise the next one will be better but we should try to be in Melody's shoes sometimes. I was frustrated too :(

Please take a second to..




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