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"You think there's a problem with her?"

"There's a problem with you if you're asking silly questions like that."

"Ya'll be quiet! She's waking up!" I hear mutters at first, but slowly the voices become clear enough so that I can understand them. After a few minutes of listening to them chatter, I begin to identify the three familiar voices.

"'I've got an idea,' what an idea it was!" Jack scoffs.

"You have to admit, it did work. I couldn't have come up with a better idea myself." Raven points out.

"Worked? Worked?! It was a mission of suicide!"

"She looks pretty alive to me." Raven mutters. I crack my eyes open, recognizing the tightly-spaced, dusty walls of my home. Jack and Raven are at the foot of cot, arguing. Daxter sits in a chair beside me, waving at me as he sees my eyes open.

"Good morning!" He greets me with his bright and cheery grin. I smirk at him. By now, the other two have noticed I'm awake, and I sit up, yawning and stretching. For a second, we just sit and stare at each other. Of course, as usual, Daxter's there to break the silence.

"So, what now?" He asks. I think about it for a second. What now? I repeat the question in my head. Good question...


Three Days Later...

Of course, not much has really changed world-related. Life still goes on - and destroying a giant war-ship with planet-busting weapons is no excuse to skip school, of course! So, we return to school, and all seems normal. The next ten days or so are almost like a do-over. I've started all over again. We have. None of us have ever met... not Vienna, not Marie, not Kai, nor any of the other Survivors, or MK...

So, really, I guess you could say it's the same old story, but without the Survival Gamers, nor the games. I walk in the classroom, and resist the urge to smile when I watch as Ms. Veronica walks in for the first time... again. Introduces herself for the first time... again. Partners us up with humans and aliens mixed for the first time... again. And, of course, I'm partnered with Mary Kate for the first time... again.

At first, things go as they did the first time, all snappy and tense. But although MK didn't seem to have changed a bit, I knew I had. I knew she didn't have that same respect for me as she had the three days ago and ten days later...

Often, I still get into the same old habits. I still lie up on my rooftop on dark, clear nights. Staring up at the stars, letting my thoughts and dreams get a hold of me, and thinking about tomorrow. I often wonder if, by any chance, I'll ever come across any of the other Survivors again. I often wonder what they did once the ship was destroyed. Did they ever find each other? Did they even know it was destroyed, or are they still looking for the stone? I guess I'll never know for sure. They'll figure it out soon enough. As for me, I continue through each day normally. Only my normal now, is not what it was before.

My name is Klere. I'm a Catry. I'm stubborn, and sarcastic, and witty, and obnoxious, and I absolutely can't stand being shown up. But, really, there are just two things you need to know about me. One: I live on a planet called Earth, with a respectable race known as Humans, who aren't so bad as they seem. And two: I am never alone. 

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