Chapter 8: The Spying Game

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Things have definitely gone downhill ever since the nuclear plant expedition. We discuss the issue for hours in the meeting room, but none of us know anything about where the Survival Gamers were even meeting, more or less where they would hide the stupid rock! I sigh in frustration, tapping my foot against the hard floor.

"This is ridiculous. What are we supposed to do, sit here and wait for answers to show up? At this rate the planet is as good as dead!" I exclaim. Raven's eyes widen slightly, and he smiles. I snort at him. "What are you smiling at?"

"You do care." He comments.

"Don't push it." I warn him.

"Well if you need some answers, go find them." Daxter cuts in, bringing us back on topic.

"It's not that simple." Raven points out.

"Why not?" Daxter asks, cocking his head innocently.

"Because!" Raven exclaims, then pauses to think. "Because... you know..." he trails off, unable to find an answer. Daxter laughs.

"Oh, you guys are too silly sometimes! You make things so complicated. You need answers, and you've already cleared the fact that you're not going to get them here." Daxter explains.

"Well, where would we get them?" Raven snaps, growing frustrated.

"My brother always used to tell me that when you find yourself stuck, retracing your steps is a wise place to start." He answers, winking.

"You have a brother?" I ask. Daxter shakes his head.

"No, I had a brother." He corrects me.

"Retracing your steps? I don't see how that will help us at all in this matter!" Raven exclaims.

"What about the Nuclear Power Plant?" Daxter suggests. Raven opens his mouth to speak, then stops, mouth gaping, as if an idea had just popped into his head.

"Daxter! You're a genius!" He exclaims, dashing out of the room. Daxter and I glance at each other, shrug and then follow him. We run out of the school, back through the city to the power plant. Stopping at the top of the hill, I look down at the power plant, then back up at Raven.

"What're you guys doing?" I turn around to find Jack had followed us here.

"Remember what Myrror told Jack? She said 'a Survival Gamer's strength is its weakness.'" Raven reminds us. I think about this for a second, trying to understand where he's going with this. "The Survival Gamers' strength is their experience."

"So if their strength is their weakness, then their weakness is experience...?" I question, raising an eyebrow. Raven shakes his head.

"No-well, yes, but no. Their strength is experience, their weakness is expectation. Every planet they've conquered has made the exact same mistakes we've been making!"

"Which are...?" I prompt.

"We're giving them exactly what they expect."

"Well, what do they expect?"

"That's what we're here to find out." Raven answers, nodding towards the power plant. Looking down, I notice something I hadn't noticed before. The workers are filing out the front door into the open, heading home after a long day's work. Then a peculiar worker catches eye - the Survival Gamer! I watch him walk along with the rest, who take no notice of his casual dress. Strange, you'd think they'd be suspicious of someone that isn't wearing their uniform. I think to myself. The man hops in a vehicle and begins driving towards the city. As it moves away, Raven starts quietly jogging down the hill.

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