Sixth Act, The shadow is what we only see

Start from the beginning

Then he approached us, his small hand reaching for (name), then he touched her forehead.

"Oh, same reiatsu? Can it be?"

"What are you talking about?"

He gave me a smile. "That's for another time, Aizen-san. Until then...see you."

With that, he disappeared. I stared at (name) for a moment, until finally deciding what to do with her. I ripped off my sleeve.

(Your p.o.v)

I woke up, seeing that I'm in my bedroom. "Huh? Was all that just a dream?" I muttered, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

Suddenly, I remembered Gin's chicken katsu gift. "Oh no, my delicious meal! Where did I put it?!"

The door slid open, and Aizen entered. I can't help but glare at him, even though it was all a dream.

He handed me the same mini cake box that contained Gin's gift. "You left this at the barracks, so I picked it up for you."

I slowly took it from him. "Thanks..."

He sat beside me. "Something the matter? You're not your usual self today."

He put the back of his hand on my forehead. "Hm? You're not sick either."

"It's nothing, really. I'm just not in the mood to do much of anything. Well, except eat this chicken katsu."

He sat down for a while until he stood up, leaving the room. "If you need anything...just tell me, okay?"

With that, he closed the door. I sighed and stared at the box. "But if it were a dream...why does it feel so real?"

I poked my abdomen to see if a wound was there. Sure enough, I felt a little pain.
So it really was real...

...even the words that Aizen had said.

I peered at my wound and saw a sleeve which is Aizen's size wrapped around it. "Huh?" I said, question marks floating around my head. (A/N: guys, this is just an expression.)

Then veins popped on my head. "What kind of evil person are you?!?! You beat the life out of me, then you treat me?!?! Are you even trying?!?!"

But then, I remembered something before all of that happened.

"I do like him."

I internally smacked myself. "What was I thinking?! I just confessed that I liked him?! After all that nonsense he has done and said?"

Well, I said that before I even knew any of his intentions, so....

I stood up, taking my chicken katsu with me, and decided to take a walk to refresh my mind. (Well, I occasionally took bites of food.)

"Does he like me back, then?"

Oh no, another random thought! Why am I thinking so much about Aizen anyway, arghhhh!!!!

I didn't know that I bumped into someone already, causing me to drop my food.

"My goodies!!! Hey, you nasty creep! You'd better-"

I glanced up to see Gin, a worried expression on his face. "Oh, if it isn't creep Ichimaru. Yeah, thanks for the chicken."

"We have ta talk, (name)." He said.

"Huhhhhh?! About what, Gin?" I asked, standing up as I picked up my food.

"Just come with me." He said.

I shrugged. "Whatever you say, then. This has to be important."


He took me to his office in the Third Division barracks. "Okay, so I need ta ask ya somethin."

"Yeah, sure...sure...go on." I said, shoving a piece of chicken katsu in my mouth.

"Has somethin odd been goin on ta ya lately?"

I blinked. "Think so. Aizen...Aizen isn't himself today."

He frowned a little, which I have to say is a rare sight. "That's what I figured. I'll tell ya this, dontcha get too close ta Aizen-taichou."

"Why's that? He'll probably just pat my head or treat me to some food-"

"Please listen ta me, (name). Aizen-taichou is a man ya shouldn't get involved with. He's dangerous."

"Gin, maybe you're only tired-"

His eyes opened, which made me choke on my food. "I wouldn't want ya ta get hurt. Plus...didn't he slash you just earlier?"

My eyes widened. "How did you-"

"What an amusing conversation you have there, Gin, (name)."

I slowly turned my head, my heart pounding in my ears. "A-Aizen...."

He smirked. "Would you like to fill me in on the details?"

Whew! Sorry I kinda updated a bit later than usual...but here's the new chapter! Chapter one of my BlazBlue fic is gonna come out soon, so just a bit longer! Hope you like it too! ~TheFanfictionAzure29

The Pain of having a heart (Sosuke Aizen x reader) [Wattys 2016]Where stories live. Discover now