Already getting aggravated, I huffed my way over to my section and started to look at some skirts and dresses. Quickly spotting an off-white lace dress and a strapless short black dress, I searched for the dressing room. As I turned around, I noticed my boys looking at some shoes for me. Realizing that I have no reason to be irritated, I made my way over to them. London was the one to greet me by pulling me in for a hug and a kiss.

“Hey babe,” Alexi said, “I found some shoes for you.”

“Aw, how sweet. Normally most guys just want to leave the stores, not help pick out clothes.”

The shoes were gorgeous. They black stiletto heels with silver flames on the side. I soooo loved them. I was so happy. I have mates that are completely devoted to me and are willing to go shopping with me. Of course, some slut had to ruin it.

“Hey sexy,” some stick figured, jersey shore knock off said, or more like screeched to Jolvien. She looked a complete mess. Following the knockoff came three other women who looked similar to the first. Each one grabbed one of my men’s arms, even Alexi, the one that I was attached to at the moment.

“How about y’all follow us for some fun?” I couldn’t believe that these bitches were completely ignoring me. So I decided to step in.

“Um excuse me? We’re busy.”

“Like we care,” the girl with London said. “They would have a better time with us and you know it. You’re fat and ugly. Not to mention, why would any of them want a black girl? I bet they picked you up from the hood for a one night stand. After that, they will come looking for classy women like us.  All of your kind is the same, gold-diggers. They would be so much better with us.”

Truth be told, I was about to cry. No one has EVER spoken to me that way. Race never came into the equation during my lifetime. These sluts didn’t deserve to see my tears, so I decided to give them a taste of their own medicine.

“Ok, listen to me. I would rather be a “fat and ugly” girl than some stank who looks like a twig that I can break into two. I also happen to be all natural. No weave, no ass implants, and in your case, no breast implants. Who would want a woman that calls themself classy when the only thing they have going for them is their fake tan and bleached hair and who only lives to put other women down. You would never stand a chance with either of them because you are completely disrespectful. Now all I have to say is, don’t you EVER bring race and stereotypes into this situation. I am not from the “hood” I just so happen to have a master degree and just so happen to have a very stable job.  Do not come at me with that dumb bullshit because I will shut you down. Now, have a nice day,” I say with a smile.

After my little speech, the girls wouldn’t let go and the boys started to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” the girl holding on to Alexi asked.

“She’s right. We will never want you, any of you. You have no respect for yourselves and others around you. What we have here is a beautiful woman who would do anything to make lives better for those around her. And since you want to be stereotypical, then maybe you should be going back to the bar near the truck stop and find another man because we do. not. want. you. Now leave.” Oh my god, I could not believe that Jolvien spoke up for me in that degree. I always thought for him to be gentle and never raise his voice. Boy was I wrong.

It was only when the girls left that I decided to cry. Instantly, I was surrounded by my mates.

“Baby, don’t listen to them, we love you.” Dmitrius said.

“They had no right to say what they said. You are a wonderful woman who doesn’t need to hear what those bitches said, just forget about them,” Alexi said wrapping his arms around me.

“Now, go try on those clothes for us,” London said smiling.

Feeling better, I headed to the dressing room while the boys stood right outside of it.

After trying on both dresses and the pair of shoes, they convinced me to get them. Headed to the cash register, I pulled out my wallet.

“No baby, it’s our treat” Jolvien said softly.

“Thank  you,” I said kissing him on the cheek.

We shopped for at least two hours until we decided to get lunch. After we all got our food, we chose to sit at a circular booth, with me in the middle. As I was enjoying my sub, I felt a hand crawl up underneath my dress. Jumping slightly, a couple of customers stared in our direction. Blushing, I tried to keep eating. Suddenly, the hand decided to crawl higher up my leg. Grasping the hand, I push it back only to realize that it’s London.

I can’t believe you just pushed away your Alpha. You’re gonna get it tonight London mentally told me. My core started to clench just thinking about my night to come.

Two more hours later, the boys piled my bags into the trunk. Most of the bags however were from lingerie shops. I swear my men are horndogs I thought to myself laughing.

When we all got into the car, we made a pitstop at Blockbuster to rent a few movies then we headed home to enjoy the rest of our day in each others company.

Mates for Life (BWWM) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now