Eric seemed pleased. He just looked at me as if I had made him proud. Just like that day when he asked me to be his girlfriend, when I told Four I didn't mind being a threat to someone. 

But then I couldn't help but think that maybe that's all that Eric liked... My cruel side, my sassy side. 

We sat there in silence. I was thinking hard about this whole plan of Jeanine and Eric's. Eric sat opposite me, as if he knew I would have something to say. He was just waiting to reply. 

"I say, we don't kill everyone in Abnegation. Sure, if you guys truly want to, go ahead and kill as many divergent's as you like; but killing a whole, entire faction? To me that's just way too harsh" I stated honestly and boldly. 

"Lize, getting rid of Abnegation as a whole isn't just so we can run the government... This is our idea of revenge" he replied, trying to get it into my head.  

"Revenge for what?" I question, having a strong feeling that this so called 'revenge' would be insignificant. That maybe Jeanine, Eric and Max were just sore losers. 

"Look I don't wanna talk about it right now" he said with a big sigh. I understood though. He was in the middle of all of this and it must've been stressful. 

"Well, is there any way that you guys could change your minds about killing everyone in Abnegation?" I questioned, cringing a little. Not knowing whether Eric would explode. 

"Well, you can bring that up in the meeting tomorrow. Jeanine is coming and we are going to talk about a few things" he explained, almost casually. Like he didn't mind at all. Maybe he also believed it was unfair to kill everyone from Abnegation. But maybe Jeanine had something on him. To do with her and Max's agreements? 

"Really?" I questioned in surprise, still forgetting the fact that I was a leader. "Would I seriously be allowed to do that?" 

"Yes, of course. You're a leader now. You almost have as much power as me" he said, chuckling a little. 

Yet again, we sat there in silence. Staring into each others eyes. The blue and grey of his eyes always sent shivers down my spine. They weren't the colour of a clear, blue sky and they weren't the colour of the ocean, but they were more like the blue and grey of a dead body. This used to scare me, but now it intrigued me. Right in this moment, I didn't care whether Eric had killed people before. I didn't care that he was dangerous. I didn't care that there was a possibility he might kill me. I cared about losing him though. 

Next, I noticed his mouth. He was smiling at me. Genuinely. 

He then noticed me noticing him and looked away, completely wiping the smile off of his face. 

"What were you thinking just then?" I asked him teasingly, as if making fun of his past smiling face. 

"Ahhh, let's go down to the Hall to get something to eat" he brushed my question away, standing up and walking towards the door. 

I stopped him in his tracks though, putting myself between the door and him. 

"No, tell me" I pushed. 

Silence. Eric staring at his feet. Huffing and puffing. 

"Oh c'mon Eric" I egged on immaturely. 

"I was just thinking about how beautiful you are! Alright!" he said angrily. But I wasn't surprised because I knew, it was hard for Eric to get emotional. 

I just smirked at him. Beautiful was a big word for him to use. He usually just used 'hot' or 'pretty'. So I admired him for that. My heart felt warm and it was pumping quickly. Compliments always flattered me. 

"Fuck, I'm sorry Lize" he began, as if I looked hurt. "I just..." 

"Don't worry, I know" I replied sweetly, before I turned around and walked towards the door. 

"Wait Eliza" he urged as he grabbed a hold of my hand, spinning me around. 

"Yeah?" I responded in a chirp. 

"I just... I just need to know that you will be on my side no matter what" he questioned in a deep tone. 

I looked at him in confusion. 

"I mean, we are a power couple but if we work together and help each other we could be invincible" he continued. 

"Eric," I assured, "you already know that I will stick by you". 

"Yeah, but... with all that is going on, I may do some bad things..."

"I'm not stupid Eric, I know that" I affirmed. Already knowing shit would go down that I wouldn't be happy about. 

"Well then, through all of it, you will side with me? Right?" he asked again, desperately this time. 

I knew I would side with him. I mean I was almost sure I loved the man. But something deep inside me was making me worry. Something was telling me, 'But will he side with you?'. 

"So? Will you?" he pressed on.

"Of course" I replied, earning a hug and a kiss on the top of my head. 

But still, I continued to wander whether this worried feeling was right... 

Would Eric side with me? 

Revenge is NearTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon