“Then that makes me believe that we are all tied to her. We just had a moment staking claim to her. So I think that it would be best to see where this all goes.”

“Wait,” I stood there dumbfounded. How can I be a mate to four wolves? It just doesn’t seem right. “so what you’re saying that I’m the mate to all of you? That’s extremely weird and I feel a little uncomfortable with that. I feel as if I’ll be labeled as some type of whore. Can I just pick one of you?”

“NO!” they all shouted.

And to be honest, I didn’t think that I would be able to choose just one of them. I can already feel our bonds growing.

“Do you know what could happen if you deny a mate, let alone three?” London asked.

When I didn’t say anything he continued saying “The other mate, or mates in this case, would become emotionally distraught. Before meeting their mate, a wolf’s soul only has the power to sustain them until they find their mate, as if ‘keeping hope alive.’ Once a wolf has found their mate, they become whole. But to find your mate and having refused them could set their world in disarray. They won’t be whole anymore and fall into a deep dark depression. They would be so engraved in the dark that the light or saving grace of their mate returning cannot even bring them back to the place that they used to be.”

The sincerity in his eyes told me that he was telling the truth. I didn’t even know that I was crying until I felt one of London’s and Dmitrius’ hands wiping the tears from my eyes. I didn’t want to hurt the guys; they all have become a part of me already, even if I just met them. Alexi and Jolvien made their way over to me each grabbing one of my hands while London and Dmitrius stroked both of my cheeks. Together, they all looked at me in adoration “We can’t live without you. You complete us.”

London then turned me towards him held my hands and said “As soon as you walked through that door, I knew that you were mine. You are so beautiful and now that I have you, I don’t intend on letting you go.” And with that he grabbed me by the ass and kissed me. The kiss was wonderful but when he started to squeeze my ass, I moaned uncontrollably. He chuckled and let me go. Next thing I knew, I was handed over to Dmitrius.

I looked up into his eyes and saw nothing but the love that he had for me. He then placed one hand on my waist while caressing my cheek with the other. “Oh baby, when I first heard your sexy little voice on the phone, I couldn’t believe it. I had found my other half; the keeper of my heart and soul. At first, I didn’t want to believe it because truth is, I didn’t want a mate. As Beta, it is my duty to protect this pack. You would think that it’d be easier to protect the one girl that’s your lifeline. I didn’t want to be so attached to someone placed my heart in such a vulnerable position and use or distract me. All of those feelings were set aside when I felt your presence and saw you for the first time. You are mine to protect and for that, you have my heart.” His proclamation had me near tears for a second time. But the dam burst when he placed a tender peck on the corner of my mouth. I smiled up at him with my teary eyes and he embraced me in a warm and fierce hug.

Before I could give them all my response, I was pulled into Alexi’s body and he cut me off with a kiss. It was brief but incredibly hot. He looked down at me, and smirk which made me giggle. “Now that’s out of the way, babe, as soon as you came in, my world changed. I finally found what can make me complete. I now have something to live for. And as your mate, I promise to love you unconditionally, always make you laugh and enjoy life. I will never put you down. It will be my main duty to honor you above all others. You are my woman and I’ll never place you in harm’s way emotionally and physically. Now that you’re here, you are the main reason I have to keep living. I promise to never hurt you and to make you proud to say that you’re my mate.” and with that lovey-dovey stuff, he open-palmed slapped my ass, winked and said “and now that we’re mates, your ass is mine.” Then he bit his lip, making me moan subconsciously.

“EXCUSE ME?!” a voice said and we all turned to see my Aunt Mary fuming. “I know that she belongs to all of you now and shit, but that does NOT give you the right to use her as a sex toy. Now, you all are going to behave yourselves and act like gentlemen towards my niece or I’ll bend each of you over my knee and whip your asses. Now BEHAVE!”

I laughed at her rant at the boys when they all had their heads towards the floor “Yes ma’am, we’ll behave.” It was so adorable! I saw Jolvien looking at me in awe and longing. It was so romantic that I ran up to him and gave him a kiss on his left then right cheek. I finally gave him a peck on the lips and pulled away to look at him. He was taken aback, then started to blush. It was so adorable to see a man literally made of muscle, blush. He then placed both of his hands on each side of my face and gave me a slow, tender kiss. No tongue, just the gentle mating of lips. When we broke away, he still held my face and stroked my cheeks with his thumbs. “Isabella,” he whispered with adoration. “You are mine and always will be. I promise to be the person that you need me to be. I will be your rock to steady you when you aren’t on solid ground. I will be your comfort and protector to hide you from the emotional storms in life. If you don’t refuse me, I will give you everything under the sun just to see that beautiful smile on your face. I devote my life to you.”

With that, he kissed me on the forehead as I felt three pairs of arms engulf me in hugs. It was so amazing to know that within one day, I met the men that will always love me no matter what. It seemed too good to be true. In the past, everything that I loved and held dear always broke in shatters. I can’t believe that I am still able to trust others after having gone through what I went through. But something tells me that these men will always be honest with me and make it their sole duty to love me.

After our little session, we sat down for dinner. It turns out that Jolvien and Alexi was preparing dinner while London and Dmitrius were preparing the new office for the pack counselor. ”Hey that’s my office! I’m the counselor!”

“I thought your name sounded familiar when Dmitrius told us about you when he came home. I saw your name placed in a portfolio stating pack business. This is great, our mate is going to be working for me.” I looked at him and saw him looking at me lustfully and sucking on his bottom lip. I gasp and started to cough uncontrollably. Alexi pulled me into his lap and started to rub my back until my coughing subsided. He still held me down but placed me where my back was against his chest. London then stood up, came over and started to rub my shoulders, hitting my spots so well, my eyes rolled back. It seemed as if Dmitrius wanted in so he went under the table, took off my shoes and started to massage my feet. Jolvien was just sitting there wondering what he can do because now Alexi started to massage my thighs and waist. It was so cute because he looked so lost. Finally, he just wrapped his arm around my waist and started kissing me on my neck.

All of it felt so good, I thought that I would become undone.

“I can’t wait to have you in my bed,” Alexi said in my ear.

“And with that comment, I must go before I puke.”

They all stopped what they were doing and saw Aunt Mary getting up to leave. “Well I guess we won’t be going to the movies tonight and I don’t expect to see you later on, so I’ll see you tomorrow, Give me your keys and have one of the boys drop you off tomorrow” she said with a wink. She then added “Be good to my niece, or suffer my wrath.” And with that, she left, leaving me with my four boys…

Mates for Life (BWWM) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now