Chapter 16- Tea Family

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James, Peter, Remus, and Sirius all sat together in their dormitory, sitting on the floor as they ate some wizard sweets and scowling for Madam Pomfrey had kicked them out of the hospital wing. She had said that they were too loud.

"Hey..." Peter piped up. All three heads snapped up to look at him. He shook his head, "no, we couldn't."

This caught James' curiosity. "What is it, Peter?"

"It's just... we would be breaking one of the Marauder Rules if we did this," Peter hissed.

"Tell us what it is," Sirius said with one brow raised.

"Well," Peter said nervously, "Remus said that Snape looked suspicious when Remus asked who could've made the potion, like he knew who did it. Well, if we're practically sure it's the Slytherins, especially with the way they've been behaving lately, why don't we prank them?"

"That would be breaking the Marauder Rule number five because we can't exactly have Silver here to tell her about the prank and conscious at that," Remus stated with a frown. "And while I said it was fishy, that doesn't mean Snape actually knows who's done it."

"But," Sirius said in a sing-song voice, completely ignoring Remus' attempt to steer them in the moral direction, "technically, we could still tell Silver about the prank. She just probably won't hear us or anything."

"We're still banned from the hospital wing," Remus argued.

"It's as if you forgot I have an Invisibility Cloak, Remus," James said, feigning to be hurt by his comment.

Remus rolled his eyes and stood up. "Well then, get your Cloak out, Jammie, we're out to tell Silver about the Slytherin prank." He threw out his moral compass and instead let himself fill with excitement at the thought of another prank.

"Aw, I thought we were done with the nicknames," James whined.

"I was only not calling any of you by your nicknames out of respect to Silver," Remus said as a wide grin overcame his features.

"Of course you were, oh modest one," Sirius said, snickering afterwards. "Now, c'mon, we've got mischief to create."

James took his cue and brought out his Invisibility Cloak. All four boys hid underneath it, sneaking out of their dormitory and up to the hospital wing.

Silver felt herself roll her eyes. There! She finally got herself to do something. It almost scared her when the waiting plain had turned pitch black. Muffled voices were echoing off the invisible walls. She strained her ears, willing even just for one phrase to make sense.

Finally, four words register themselves to her.

"We miss you, Silly," Sirius whispered gently.

After that, Silver felt her eyes roll into the back of her head and fell unconscious once more.

Silver's body gave a sudden lurch, startling all four boys.

"Did she- did she just react to you, Siri?" James asked to no one in perticular.

Sirius gave a slow nod. That was new.

"I think we've got a prank to fulfill?" Remus muttered, glancing at Silver one more time. "It seems like Silver agrees with it."

"Yeah," Sirius said while nodding, "let's go prank those bloody Slytherins."


"You can't even stay out of trouble when you aren't properly conscious, can you?" the voice murmured.

Silver blinked slowly, scanning the location of her 'conscious'.

"Where is my conscious, now?"

The soft fabric of a fluffy blanket contacted Silver's fingers. She sat up, grazing the hard wood of the wooden walls. The whistle of a tea pot met her ears. A man, no older than twenty it seemed, stood up and walked over to the fire, where he removed the kettle and poured the boiling water into two mugs. His tabby blonde hair was in a mess of curls, although, they didn't seem natural.

"My home, at least, currently," the man answered.

Silver put the puzzle pieces together and figured that this was the voice she heard in the waiting plain.

"I've made you some tea, forgive me for I've only got graham crackers to snack on," the man said. He handed Silver a mug which contained tea that smelled delicious to her. "Would you like some graham crackers?"

Silver nodded, taking a small sip of the tea. A warm sensation tickled her spine as the flavor washed away the dryness of her mouth.

"This is a very nice flavor," Silver commented as the man handed her a napkin with graham crackers on it.

"Always has been my favorite flavor," the man replied, "too bad not many folks have it anymore."

"Why is that?" Silver questioned curiously.

"The family who would make it passed away, they only shared their recipe with one other person," the man said. "Everyone loved their tea. Got quite rich from the tea business, first wizarding family to make great money from tea business as well."

"How did they pass away?" Silver asked.

The man paused, and set his tea down. Silver looked up, noticing how the color in the man's eyes would blur into different colors and shades. Silver's brows furrowed together in confusion.

The man finally let out a sigh and stared at Silver. "They died saving as many lives as they could. A brave death for one mistake that a certain boy made, foolish that boy he was. Caused his entire family their death."

Silver looked down at her tea, grabbing a graham cracker and nibbling on it gently.

"How am I here? Eating and drinking in my conscious?" Silver changed the subject.

"It's difficult to explain, think of it as a dream but in reality," he explained. "You can do many things in your dreams, but that is just your conscious. The only difference is that your dream is false while this is not."

"I still don't understand," Silver said.

The man smiled sadly at her, a distant but loving memory replaying behind his eyes.

"Don't dwell on the concept too much. Just remember that there are people on both sides who are watching out for you," the man said.

"On both sides?" Silver said as she quirked up an eyebrow.

"Many people care for you," he said.


Silver still didn't understand what the man was trying to tell her. All she knew currently was that this was really good tea.


"Ready?" James asked.

"Definitely," Sirius responded.

They launched the stink bombs into the dungeons and sprinted away as fast as they could. Remus and Peter caught up to them as they climbed the marble stairs hurriedly. Remus and Peter had gone and put stink bombs under the Slytherin table as well. Only those would only blast when the marauders removed the charm Remus placed on them.

They jumped inside the Gryffindor common room, pushing a couple aside as they raced to their dormitory.

"Hey!" the couple shrieked.

"Sorry!" Peter shouted back, only meaning it halfheartedly.

James shoved the door open, all of them piling inside. They took a moment to catch their breathes.

"Now I really can't wait to see those Slytherins tomorrow," Sirius said enthusiastically.

"That's a first," Peter said.

All four boys laughed, high-fiving each other happily. The prank would happen tomorrow, and hopefully they would have Silver back tomorrow as well. Everything was going the marauders' way tomorrow.

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