Kiss It All Better

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Kiss It All Better

Chapter Fourteen

"How are you feeling?" Ricky asked the next morning when I woke up.

"Better," I told him honestly.

I did feel a lot better, but I still had a slight headache.

"We have a show today," he told me. "I want you to be there."

I smiled. "I'd love to go."

I saw him smile a cute smile that I loved.

"Now move it, Horror, I need food."

I pushed him out of the bunk and followed suit, landing gracefully on the floor.

We made our way to the kitchen and I slumped back onto one of the chairs behind the table.

"What would you like for breakfast, baby doll?" Ricky asked rummaging through the cabinets.

"Lucky Charms!" I said happily with a giddy smile on my face as Ricky pulled out the box of cereal.

I watched him as he poured two bowls and then added milk.

"Here you are, Pikachu," he said setting the bowl of cereal in front of me. Joshua walked in just as I began digging in, in a few short minutes I was done.

"Morning, Josh," I said my mouth still full of cereal.

"Morning," he mumbled back with a nod to Ricky.

I swallowed the cereal in my mouth.

"Can I have more?" I asked Ricky. He gave me a startled look.

"Sure, knock yourself out," he said gesturing to the box of cereal on the counter. I got up and poured myself another bowl just as Devin walked through. His hair was a mess, flying in all different directions.

"Nice hair," I giggled.

"I could say the same to you," he shot back and instantly I shut my mouth. I finished my third bowl of cereal before announcing that I was going to take a shower. 

Devin asked if he could join, which earned an award winning death glare from Ricky, making Devin hold his hands up in defense.


I watched him hold his guitar in his hands and play a few notes testing to make sure it was tuned properly. I smiled at him.

"You wanna try?" he asked when he noticed I was watching him. 

I smiled but shook my head. "No, you need to practice," I told him. "I'll be back, I'm going to go to the bathroom." 

I made my way around the building, but had no luck finding the one room I was looking for. 

"Excuse me," I said tapping a man that looked like he worked here on the shoulder. He turned around and I cowarded back slightly. He was strongly built and had tattoos on his arms. He scared me a little. 

"Yes?" he asked. His voice was rough and it sounded familiar. 

"Where's the bathroom?" I was scared now. Then, my eyes widened in fear when I realized he was the man that raped me when I first got to San Deigo, but what was he doing here, two hours away from there? 

"Right this way,'' he said showing me the way. I was practically crapping myself at this point, hoping he wouldn't recognize me. 

"Thanks," I muttered and walked into the bathroom. I did my duty and step out of the stall. 

"Recognize me?" His voice was right in my ear and sent shivers down my spine, and not the kind I got from Ricky. 

"W-what?"' I stuttered trying to act like I didn't know who he was. 

"Don't play stupid," He growled while pushing me against the bathroom wall. My mind replayed the night when I saw him last. "Now, I got what I wanted last time and I expect to get it again." 

I let out the loudest scream I could muster hoping someone would hear me and be my hero. 

"Shut it," he said, balling his fist up and bringing his fist down on my stomach, making me double over in pain. I sucked in air the best I could before I was brought back to my feet. "Now, are you goign to scream again?" He asked. I shook my head and let a tear escape my eye. I knew what would be coming next. "Good girl. Now this won't hurt a bit." 

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