When no one mad a move, Astrid spoke up: 'is there anything we could do for you My Lady?'
'Well for one, don't call me My Lady,' she said. 'Just Lena is fine.'
'I'm not particularly fond of titles so don't refer to me as Lady Delena or My Lady unless necessary. Understood?'
Astrid and Kalari looked at each other in uncertainty.
'Understood?' Delena repeated and got hesitant nods from the two of them. 'Stormy, this applies to you as well. Do you understand?' she said turning to the blonde when she didn't respond, and waited until she too nodded in a yes.
'Perfect!' Delena said as she clapped her hands with a bright smile. 'Now, who do the clothes in the closet belong to?'
'To you Miss,' Astrid said.
'Yes,' Astrid said.
'All of them?'
'Huh. Where did they come from?'
'I got them for you My-Miss,' Sharika spoke up.
'Lord Dominick said that you are a delegate of Elyria so I assumed that you will be staying here until the Gathering at least, and that's a month away so... I can get you something else if they're not to your liking,' Sharika quickly added.

Delena ignored the blonde and sighed. She didn't bother pursuing the matter further. Instead, she walked over to the closed and looked through all the racks and shelves until she found what she was looking for - a lilac coloured strapless gown with beads around the neckline and the waist as well as on the skirt of the dress. She nodded her head with a hum of approval and hung it up on the hook she spotted by the mirror.

When the three saw what she was up to, they immediately began to look for all the accessories that go along with the chosen dress. Astrid picked a pair of matching heeled sandals while Kalari found hair accessories to go with the outfit, and Sharika opened one of the many draws and took a pair of thick gauntlet-style armbands which go around the upper arm and have long "sleeves" in the same colour as the dress.

Once they were done, they turned to their Mistress only to find that she was gone and the shower was running so they stood back and waited.

# # #

Dominick heaved a tired sigh. He'd just finished dealing with all the unfinished paperwork that had piled up and he was exhausted. And now he has to deal with the guests he neglected while dealing with that irritating magus and all the problems she caused.

He straightened up when he heard the knock on the door and called for whoever it was to come in. The door opened and in walked Liam Shields, the younger twin to Lucas and son of Alpha Robin Shields and his mate Marissa.

Liam stood in front of his desk and bowed his head in respect.
'How did it go?' Dominick asked.
Liam winced. 'It could have been better. The other Alphas want to put her on trial for disregarding the rules and releasing magic way beyond the limit.'
Dominick hummed in thought. 'They are aware that she's an Elyrian, right? If they do this, it could damage the already fragile relationship we have.'
'I told them but they said that while she's here she's under the obligation to follow our rules, regardless where she's from.'
Dominick sighed. 'Where are they?'
'In the main hall sitting area,' Liam answered.
Dominick just nodded in response, got up from his chair and walked out of the door.

Liam, not sure of his Beta's plans, followed Dominick in silence. They got to the main hall and Dominick stalked over to the group of five males chatting by the stairs. He was spotted by Peter Kempton, a dark haired man who immediately stepped forward and opened his arms wide in greeting. 'Dom--'
'What the hell do you think you're doing?
Peter let his arms drop. 'Bringing justice upon those who deserve it,' he said, already knowing what he was talking about. 'She broke the law and now she has to suffer the consequences.
Dominick growled. 'What consequences Peter? She's an Elyrian. A guest. The council won't punish her for not knowing the limit we have set only a few years prior. The most they will do is give her a warning, something I can do myself. So why bother to put her on trial?'
'Regardless of where she's from, she is a guest like you said and is therefore under the obligation to follow the laws set by our king.'
'She wasn't aware of the laws--'
'And why not?' Peter demand.
'That's enough,' said Xavier, a tall man with white blonde hair and caramel eyes. 'You're acting like children. Dominick is right, we don't need to put her on trial--'
'What trial?'

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