Chapter 3

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Dominick watched as the two women walked out of the room. He was peeved at his wolf. The girl challenged them and the mutt didn't even care! In fact, his wolf was taking her side!

He was brought out of his musings by the doctor who was walking around the room, putting everything back in its place.
'They hold a striking resemblance, don't they?' he mused. 'In fact, she could be-'
'Don't.' Dominick ground out through clenched teeth. 'Don't you even dare go there Joshua,' he said. Of course he noticed the resemblance. How could he not? If he ignored the colouring, they would be almost identical. He realised what it meant, but refused to go anywhere near that thought. It would hurt too much, and the realisation could potentially destroy him.

'Her name is Delena,' Joshua said.
'The girl,' he elaborated. 'Her name is Delena. Not sure of her last name, she wouldn't reveal that and I didn't want to push her.' Dominick just looked at him.
'Do you know where she came from?' he asked.
'No. you came in before I could ask, but judging by her response to your questioning, she's not from anywhere in Elynthia.'
'Terra, then?' Dominick asked, 'or maybe Dragonia?'
'I'm not sure,' the doctor replied, 'and I doubt we'll figure it out unless we ask her.' The doctor turned to face him. 'What I'm more concerned about is why and how she got here.' He leaned against the bed. 'If she's not from Elynthia, then how did she cross the gates without raising any alarms? Into the Citadel no less.' Dominick didn't answer. He himself was curious as to how she got here. And why.

Joshua signed and walked to the door.
'Why don't we continue this in your office?' he asked. 'The girls should be done soon anyway, and I'm certain that Sharika will bring Delena to your office once she's done.' He then proceeded to walk out of the room and, after letting out a long groan, Dominick followed. He could already see the extra paperwork adding to the already large pile waiting for him to complete.

Dominick left the room to see that Joshua was already a few feet away talking to one of his assistants - Paulette - about getting some clothes for the Delena. He saw the brunette nod in agreement, only to lower her head in embarrassment to hide her blush when the green eyed man let out a smile. Dominick just let out an amused chuckle and walked on.
'Come on playboy,' he called out as he passed them, 'we've got work to do.' The brunette just let out a chuckle, causing the woman to blush further, and followed after the dark haired man after a quick 'got to go' over his shoulder.

They entered the main hallway and, passing the staircase on the right, made their way across the hall towards an open arched entrance to the right of the main doors, opposite the stairs. Walking up three small steps, they continued to walk along the corridor until they got to a wooden door on the left which Dominick didn't hesitate to open and step through. He then turned slightly left and, passing the small grey ottoman which sat by the door, made his way to one of the creamy brown armless sofa chairs which were facing the wall-length bookshelf made of dark brown, almost black, wood, standing opposite his lighter brown desk. He chose the one closest to the fireplace, and furthest from the door.

Joshua followed behind. He closed the door and took a seat on the dark grey three seater couch opposite Dominick.
'So...' he started.
'So?' answered Dominick.
'You're curious aren't you?' he continued.
'About?' asked Dominick.
'Oh come on!' answered Joshua as he threw his hands in the air in exasperation. 'Aren't you even a little bit curious?' he continued. 'I mean, it's extremely likely that she's-'
'Don't.' Dominick growled, already knowing where this was going. He took a deep breath to calm down before he spoke: 'I thought I already told you not to bring that up.'
'I know you did. But sooner or later you won't have a choice, especially when people start noticing the resemblance. And they will notice,' said Joshua. 'What will you tell them when they start asking questions?'
'Nothing. They can't ask what they don't know,' answered Dominick. Joshua let out a groan as he fell back against the pale grey cushions.
'You can't keep her locked up Dom,' he said. 'And it'll definitely come out. Someone is going to see her and word will spread. Soon enough, you'll have people making excuses just to come here and verify it for themselves,' he continued.
'I know!' Dominick cried out. 'I know that I can't, and I know what they'll do. But I can't think about it!'

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