Chapter Eighteen

Começar do início

I ignore the sarcasm. But seriously... What the hell! Has she been eating this for two weeks straight!?

"So you're telling me that you've been sitting here eating this rubbish for the past two weeks?"

"This isn't rubbish, it's food and I'm thankful for it thank you very much." She bites back.

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Hey don't curse, innocent ears are close by." She says covering her daughters ears.

"Whatever, she's only a baby."

That's receives me a stink eye from her.

"Where do you keep the rest of your food then?" I ask looking around, completely ignoring her deadly stare.

"This is all of it."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that is all of our food. Melak doesn't need much except for her baby food and water which I have plenty of right now. I don't need much, I happen to like peanut butter sandwiches."

I clench my fists so hard I'm afraid some vein is about to pop. She can't be serious. She is married to me, the multimillionaire, she's living under my roof, they are under my safety and protection yet here she has been only eating peanut butter and bread. For two fucking weeks.

"Is this some fucking sick joke? You're telling me, that you've been eating this for breakfast, lunch and dinner for two fucking weeks? Why? Why Layla, is it really that hard to walk into the villa, open the fridge and feed yourself and your daughter some decent food?"

"I said stop cursing in front of my daughter!"

I ignore her.

"Alright, so if you chose to stay here instead of using my kitchen then why the heck didn't you just buy more food, at least something that's edible and that won't leave the mouth as dry as a desert?"

"Why do you care Adam? What's wrong with you? One minute you're cold and rude, the next minute you're all up in my space asking me weird questions? I'm trying to save up money! Okay? Are you happy now? I'm trying to save up so I can pack my things and rent an apartment somewhere for my daughter and I so you won't have to suffer when we're around. Isn't this what you've wanted all along? For us to get out of your hair? Well this is my solution. You needed the kitchen to be renovated for some reason, and that left us without a fridge, oven, microwave... etc. I'm short on money, so I've decided to buy Melak all the things she needs while the rest of the money is for this dry food I'm eating. And you know what, I'm not complaining, I'm fine this way."

I'm taken aback. Was I really that rude and cold towards her that she'd think I wouldn't want her around my kitchen, even when it's only to eat.

She has been starving herself for two weeks without my knowledge. She has been living under my roof, under my responsibility, yet she was starving herself, eating a piece of dried peanut butter sandwich or two a day.

I may not be ecstatic about our situation but no woman of mine, temporary or not, will be left starving when I've got all the money in the world to probably buy a few damn grocery stores for myself. Heck I could probably afford to buy all the peanut butter jars in the world.

I quickly move towards them, picking up the few weird looking bananas, the bag of toast, and the peanut butter. I make my way outside, and put them in the large garbage bin behind the pool house.

I'm fuming with anger.

I walk back to the pool house, and enter the living area only to find a shocked looking Layla, with her mouth agape still sitting frozen in her place.

Fix me (COMPLETED) #Wattys2016Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora