chapter 12

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Dedicated to IUNISI_TEISI for sorta helping with/ guessing one of my ideas for: the plot. You rock 😎👌

A turn of events

Bunni's pov

So sky hasn't left fifi alone for the past hour and he sounds like a little kid who just met a puppy for the first time in his life...

"So are you coming to my school? How long are you staying? Any new boys I should know about? Any new... other things I should know about?" Sky is a total sweetheart but is also a total player and I made a bet before I left that the next time I saw him he would have an STD... what?

"Yes I'm coming to your school. I'm staying till the end of the semester. No new 'boy toys' frowney face. And No Bitch!! So you owe me 20 dallers." He said in a weird accent. But he said no new boy toys weird, Ohhhhhh does he have a secret?.. I'll ask him later im hungry.

"How bout I buy you pizza and ice cream and we call it a deal?" I questioned

"Yaaaaass bitch pepperoni and cookie dough please!" Sky said running his hand though his hair to fix-ish it.

"Okay." I left the room to go look in the freezer for ice cream as I called domino's. I was hoking though the freezer when someone answered the phone

" Hello domino's pizza collect or deliver?" The dude said unenthusiasticly, oh ima mess wif this dude.

"Ohhh Delivery please." I said seductively still looking for ice cream.

"A..Alright what can I get you?" he stuttered sounding more enthusiastic.

" Um can I get... a large pepperoni pizza please." Do you know how hard it is to say pepperoni pizza please seductively?

"Um s.s.sure thing and um special requests?" He asked... oh shit I forgot they did that I closed the freezer.

"Can you personally deliver it, and on the way get 2 tubs of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream? If you do I'll pay double." Im surprise how sexy I sound right now shoot if I was a boy myself would turn me on.

"Y.y. yeah sure no problem whats your address?" I gave him my address and he said he would be here soon. I walked back up to my room and saw luke leaving my room,

"Oh hey bro, what's up?" He turned looking surprised to see me his hair looked messy and his shirt was slightly riden up. I also notices his lips were puffy and reder than normal.

"Huh oh um bunni I was uh just looking for you to um tell you that uh mom invited your friend over... to stay... for a while and um that ahhh we need to um sort out a room for him and uh stuff... yeah okay ima go, make sure sort a room for him." He ran off. How strange. I walked in to my room and saw sky his hair also looked slightly messier than when I left, thats him running his fingers though his hair, I don't get why guys do that.

"Pizzas on way did you meet luke?" I assume when luke walked in here and saw sky he said hi and didn't just walk out.

"Oh yeah I met him he seems really nice." He said quickly. Hmmm somethings up... ehh I'll ask him later."Hey sky want me to get us some drinks."

Le time skip to after pizza and a few drinks 😉

"No, no back track what the actual hell does ya know mean." I asked

"Ya know... it means, well just ya know." Sky said

"Sky that is not how you answer when someone asks if you like anyone, if I did that you'd freak at me." I sassed

Sky looked at me almost confused. "Gurl don't lie if I asked you an you didn't wanna say shit as if I'd ask you again, gurl you'd fuck me up ... I know you would." He said acting overly gay.

"True.... but still oh ma guurrrddd just tell me yes or no do you like anyone right now??" I asked I had a strange hunch he was trying to hide something.

"Okay fine yes I do like someone. But I don't think you is gonna approve so ima not tell ya." Sky replied.

"So... I know them!?!??!" I concluded.

"Oh yeah.... you know them." He smirked... it better not be Tristan I thought

"Nah Tristan not my type." He announced

Wait i said that out loud?

"Yes you did." He laughed

Okay I know I didn't say that... there's no speech marks...

"Subtitles dummy..."

"This ain't no movie the fuck you talking about??" I stated. Which in turn cause sky to burst out laughing... I missed having sky around.

Mystery pov

Bunni is sitting in her room with what was his name... skyler right... yeah skyler they just finished eating pizza and ice cream... I swear I saw skyler dip a piece of pizza in the ice cream at one point, uggghhh. Why do I have to be on dumb watch duty it's not like any things gonna happen... can't belive he talked me into helping him with this shit, its so not my problem. Uggghhhhhhhhhh. Bunni is already suspicious of me I can tell. if she sees me, uggghhh.

*ring* *ring* - I grabbed at my phone and hit answer without reading the name.

"Hello yes what-" I whispered.

"You watching her?" Oh of course he's calling me.

"Of course I am Tristan what else could I possibly do with my free time than stalk this girl for you." I said

"..."he was silent I heard him huff and then the line went dead. You owe me big time for this Tristan


Sorry sorry I know it's short I'll edit it to make it longer but I haven't uploaded in forever and I thought I'd let you know I'm not dead and try to push this out :)

Oh and ps im following everyone who has ever commented on this book so thanks to all you's  xx 😚

Luv ya's Xx

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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