chapter 8

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Tristan's pov (que the fangirling)

I hardly got any sleep last night... who was that girl... '10 nicknames?' What did she mean 10 nicknames and why did she paint a picture... of, me... I don't think I've ever met her before... I swear I would remember someone as hot as her.

I showered and threw on a white vest top, black jeans ,a leather jacket and my black Jordans. I walked down stairs and saw all my guys and the twins sitting at the kitchen table, I swear these guys can't remember how to get home they are always here... let me introduce you to my group

Ryan Hannah, he's 18, 6'2 has black hair and brown eyes he's the plan person, if we need to hack the school system to change our grades or something he will hack and plan a cover up story in case anyone finds out, he is also the artist he can do that thing peta does in the hunger games with make up.

Austin lynch, he's 17, 6'1 has blond hair and brown eyes, he's the skilled one of the group, he's smart so we all copy his homework, he can sing, dance, act, and to girls, he's the approachable one so he tells us who's crushing on who.

Tyler White, he's 17, 5'11, has red hair... no not ginger, red, as in dyed red. And blue eyes, he's the distraction, cause he is super skinny but can fight, he is 'adorable' to girls and generally clueless. we tell him to say we're 'running late' and he will with no questions asked.

And then there's the twins Luke and Jai Brooks. Luke has brown hair with a little blue on the tips at the front and brown eyes,6'1  and he has a lip ring, he's the player twin he doesn't really talk to chicks cause they cause 'too much drama' and jai just has natural brown hair and brown eyes, 6'0 and an eyebrows piercing. He's the nice twin, if he sees someone crying he will go see whats wrong, he could be on the way to detention but will be late to check someone he doesn't even know is alright. And he is unpredictable. Like now. he has two puppys in his arms.

"Jai! Why do you have dogs in my house?" I ask walking in. He turned to me.

"Well I don't think the new girl will like me cause I told you about her painting sooooo... I got her a puppy." He smiled... I think there is something wrong with This guy.

"Jai... you've got two." I say grabbing a peice of bacon my mom made before she left about 5 minutes ago.

"Yeah?" He asked not seeing whats wrong with that.

"Who's the other one for?" I ask.

"Me!"he smiled. Now everyone was looking at him confused, Exept luke. I guess they already had this conversation. "You see, if I have a puppy and she has a puppy she can't hate me cause when she walks her puppy I could be walking my puppy and the puppys are best friends so me and her will be best friends." He said as if it made sence.

"How am I related to you?" Luke asked and we all laughed exept jai of course.
"Because unlike you I was dropped on my head... multiple times." Jai smiled... yep definitely something wrong with him.

Skip to school

I drove up to school and my parking space didn't have the new girls motorbike in it yay...

I went to the office and saw miss tipendale the secretary lady.

"Hey miss T." I say. I hope she will actually tell me

"oh why hello Tristan, what brings you here so early?" She asked smiling.

"Um yeah so do you know the new girl?.. wait. Don't answer that, of course you do... well um... I... I need her locker number." I say accidentally stuttering. She leaned forward on her desk with her arms folded.

bullied by the bad boy and back for revenge [ON HOLD]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora