chapter 9

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After I stormed away from Tristan I bumped into someone. And we both fell.

"Shit, im sorry." I say looking up and seeing red hair.

"Oh nah it was my fault," he jumped up and held out a hand to help me up. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up.

"Thanks..." I say hinting for him to tell me his name.

" oh right uh. Im Tyler, Tyler White." He smiled. That name sounds familiar.

"Well... Thanks Tyler I'm B." I smiled.

"Oh right you're the new girl!" He said as realisation dawned on his face.

"Yeah..." he seemed familiar too...then I remembered. oh shit. "And you're one of the people that where there when Tristan was gonna slash my baby's tyres." My face hardened.

"Yeah! I was the one with red hair!. so B do you like dogs?" What? Dogs? Dah fuk.

"Um yeah I guess?" What brought this up.

"Oh cool cause see I thought you would be a cat person." He says...

"Um okay I'm gonna walk away now." And I scurried away.

Dah fuk!!! Maybe he dyed his hair red cause he is as dumb as cat from victorious. Kinda cute but still fucked up in the head.

I continued to walk to my form class. And bumped into someone else universe stapphh it.

But this time it was someone I knew... didn't like but knew.

"Jai." I say venomously.

"Oh hi B."he smiled.

"Why did you tell Tristan?" I ask.

"Cause I wanted to see his reaction." He smiled again... is everyone dumb at this school... wait no im here.

"Well that was a dick move. you should have asked me first... I would have said no. But you still should have asked." I said. He frowned.

"Are you angry at me?" He asked. And to make it obvious I crossed my arms, nodded and turned away from him. He laughed and I held back a smile.

"Well see I thought you'd be angry at me so I got you something." Why would he get me something. So I peeped over my shoulder. With an eyebrow raised.

"Is it poison?" I ask. He shakes his head (No). "Then why would you get me something?" Yeah everyone here is dumb cause I dont understand anyone here.

"Cause I don't like people being mad at me." He said all kiddy like, looking down. I literally had to bite my tongue to stop myself from saying awwwe. Okay they aren't dumb just childish... wait no Tristan is just dumb.

"But you have to come with me and you can't have it till the end of school." He said...

"Why?" I ask.

"Cause." He said and grabbed my wrist pulling me along to wherever he was dragging me. We walked up to a red car... a mustang not sure which one though. The windows where tinted and rolled partly down. He opened one of the back doors and I saw something that made my jaw drop no not a dead body... puppy's. And there was newspaper everywhere and dog food and water bowls. And PUPPY'S!!. Wait he left puppy's in his car that's Fucked up!!!

"Jai! Why do you have puppy's in you're car that's dangerous they could die from heat stroke!!!!!!!" I literally screamed. Not caring what the thing he got me was anymore.

"B, calm down, the windows are down and there is ice bags everywhere." He said pointing to multiple bags of water and ice taped to the walls and seats in the car and the one that the fluffy puppy was lying on.

"But you still shouldn't leave them in the car what if they get stolen or... or what if they run out of food and like eat each other?!" Okay the last one probably won't happen cause there is like 2 huge bags of dog food but... I really am dumb.

"Well they have tracking chips in their collars and... I really don't think they will run out of food... so don't you wanna know what I got you." He says smiling like the freaking Cheshire cat while looking between the puppy's and me.

"Um... I guess?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Okay... which one of the puppy's is cuter?" He asked suddenly changing topic. I looked at the puppys.

One was black and had a white belly, and had short fur and the other was black but had white paws, a white chin and a white belly and was really fluffy.

"The fluffy one why?" I ask. And he smiled again.

"Good." He said smiling.

"Why is that good?" I ask he really confuses me he is nothing like luke. But I didn't get to think long cause he but in with something that made my jaw drop. Literally

"Because that one is yours." He said seriously but smiled.

" seriously?" I ask trying to keep a collected voice in case he was joking, even though inside I was literally screaming 'oh my god' 'he got me a puppy!!' 'O M G!! O M GEEEE!!!!'

"Yep." He said popping the p."that is fifi." He said pointing to the fluffy one. " and it's yours and this one is jaijai jr. Mine." He smiled.

"Wait seriously?!?!??!?!?!?" I ask/screamed.

"Yes B." And I did something I dont do that often I hugged him... yep I hugged jai in the parking lot.

"Omg I like love you right now." We pulled apart And we both laughed. But then jai went shy. and looked at his feet.

"Sooo.. um B. Do you... um forgive me for you know telling Tristan?" He looked like such a little kid right now.

"Yes." I smiled and then even more unexpected than a boy I hardly know giving me a puppy he! hugged! me!.

"Yay." And pull apart. "At the end of school you can get fifi... oh wait you have your motorbike I could help bring fifi to your house if you'd like..." he said shy again... ima like die of cuteness overload first puppys now jai... awwwwweeee.

"Sure." I just said and smiled. "See ya in art." I said and walked away.

Wow what an eventfull day.

I know its short but you'll see why in the next chapter

bullied by the bad boy and back for revenge [ON HOLD]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora