Chapter Eight-Aselgard

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"The secrets of life reveal themselves at the most uncertain times."



Zayn's P.O.V.-

I watched her going away she had this aura which is drawing me towards her, it's so powerful yet so soothing, it looks beautiful I've never witnessed a person have blue aura which have orange and red streaks into them it's confusing I'm more than a thousand year old, I've to do a search on that some higher demons can see aura too, I have to cast a spell on her aura so that it'll not be visible to anyone but me. She looked troubled, that made me think that she do thinks I am playing a prank on her or maybe she is just scared. She kicked a huge bin and my god it flew away and fell a few feet away wow! I must say she is strong even in her human form she is very strong. I need to convince her to come with me as soon as possible not today, I guess because I don't think she'll come today she looks furious and confused at the same time. I could hear a soft groan of a pained puppy from the place where she kicked that bin. I watched her head shifting to that place from where the voice was coming, and if she heard that faint voice so too that means she also have a supernatural hearing and that day she watched me in her school and I was watching her from a distance and that proves that she has nice sight too. Amazing! Its hard to believe that she is this powerful in her human form, god knows how much powerful she'll be in her angle form maybe as powerful as me, you can never say.

She reached the spot and lifted the bin; she searched for that creature and soon found out a little puppy. It's one leg was stuck under garbage bag the pup was white and black in color she bent down I can guess she is blaming herself for the loss of this being she threw the bag away and watched making the poor puppy doing a failed attempt to get up it yelped in pain and fell down. She tried to hold it but it started to back off. She then whispered.

"Hey little friend I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you I am really sorry." She pouted and made a sad face.

I couldn't see the pup but I guess no one can stay mad at her, she was way too nice and cute to stay mad at her and eventually that little being will forgive her. When she lifted it up I couldn't help myself but smile.

"You must be cold little friend. Who left you in this cold here?"After saying that she blew some air in his face, and started to button her coat once again with the help of her left hand only she held him close to her heart.

She turned to face me well I guess that was unintentional and I mouthed her "Aww so cute."

She started to blush and I wanted to laugh at her right then but then I controlled it because I've been watching her for too long and I know she'll get mad at me, more than she is now instead I smiled, she went for her car ignoring me. Yup she is mad at me, and I don't even do a thing to make her act that way, only if she knew I wanted to help her.

"Don't forget about our little talk Miss. Veronica. You are needed in our world you have responsibilities, I guess you don't realize that we are on the same team, if you don't believe in me then go and read your mom's diary once again and once you realize it's not a prank or even if you need something just whisper my name I'll come to you. For now goodbye Miss just remember you are more than what you think, it was nice talking to you. And I'm just glad you came." The last sentence I mumbled to her more than to myself.

She stopped walking I guess she heard me right. She opened the door of her cars and sat in it after that I summoned my wings and shot from the ground to sky at my highest speed I was sad, because she didn't even looked back at me like I was expecting her to. I was angry at myself because I couldn't convince her at the first time, well I'd knew I couldn't do it anyway I knew she will be strong but I didn't knew she could be as strong as this to reject and accept the existence of angels that fast and as a half angel half human it was impressive like really impressive, in my thousand year of life I hadn't seen anyone as young as her be so in control of her powers without any guidance.

"I'm also glad that you came..... Zayn; I really liked your name though." I guess she meant to say it to herself, but I too heard it.

I stopped in mid air when I heard those words, my mind went blank and my heart started to thump like a bird in its cage, I doubted that I imagined those words or did she really said them aloud. It was kind of weird for an angel like me to feel this way but I trust my heart. Excited I took a limp in the air and flew faster towards the gates of Aselgard happily. On my way I saw the beautiful view, sun was on the horizon and it was illuminating orange and yellow light I stopped again and closed my eyes I withdrew power from sun, it was the power source for us warrior angels.

I felt the energy running into my system it was a nice sensation. I continued my way to my kingdom. As I reached the gates, they opened for me automatically it was because of a spell and "no hell creature must enter policy". I entered them still flying, I now stepped on the solid ground. Aselgard is a beautiful massive palace; build from the permission by god. All the angels live here in harmony and control the affairs on the earth. We care for earth this much only because it is the living place of humans; humans were the most prominent creation of god but unfortunately when they think they must rule the world and they are superior, they starts to abuse the earth. And now since they are weak they are letting them hell creatures rule the world. They either get too weak or too powerful. In the end of the day the loss happens to only them and only they have to suffer and face the consequences. It's kind of depressing. They don't understand the true value and worth of them; every part of earth is engulfed in sadness and hopelessness. Now they are giving in to the hell creatures, they are forgetting the true power of light. Light can pave their way towards happiness but we are talking about humans here and they are ignorant creatures. Anyways as I was walking towards the Hall of Esteem I heard some angels talking. Well I'm not eaves dropping or something but it's one of my powers so that's alright. I decided to listen while walking.

"You really think that."


"Oh maybe he did something wrong that's why...."

Now I reached the spot they two were standing at the other angel cutoff as soon as I approached them now I know they were talking about me. I held back my laughter somehow while passing them, I wanted to laugh at their stupidity. Quickly both of them bowed in front of me to show respect. I ignored them since they were of some low post; they both looked horrified even though they knew I wouldn't say anything to them. But angels can see the aura of other angels to judge them no one can hide their aura unless they some powerful angel or demon themselves; so I guess they are afraid because my aura makes them scared I always find this aura thing interesting, see the reason I don't brag about my powers is that I don't want people to take precautions about it whenever I'm near. I'm one the most powerful angels here and they think I couldn't have heard them from a distance. While thinking about Veronica I hadn't realized I've reached the gates of Hall of Esteem.

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