Chapter Four-Pain

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"Expect sadness like you expect rain. Both, cleanse you."

- Unknown


I was completely and utterly confused. He disappeared, leaving me in complete shock, I searched everywhere in the park he was nowhere to be found. Wait. I gulped hard. This couldn't be what I was thinking. Or was it?

He can't be that brown eyed guy. Can he be? A thousand questions started to form into my mind. It was possible because that guy whose eyes were brown too disappeared. And this husky voice guy too. Oh I wish I could figure out what is happening around me. A day ago I hated my life and a day later I hate it even more. But I need to find who that guy is at least, know his name. But why was he here? Why did he close my eyes? Why did he tell me not make any noise? Then it occurred to me it was because those footsteps. How were those from whom he wanted to save me? But the question is was he even trying to save me.

I was tired actually tired, I decided to go to my home because it was getting dark. I stood up straight and made my way towards my house. A wet and cold tiny particle touched my face involuntarily my hand went to wipe whatever it was from my face. It was waterish. I looked up it was not water it was snow. So now I have to walk in snow, great I have no problem I love snow. But my car is still in school. I thought for a minute and decided to get my car from parking lot. I sat on a bench took my phone out and switched it on. Oh my god! It had not 94 miss calls and 87 voice mails and holograms. I opened the recent hologram from Lauren. She looked like she was crying for about hours I felt really bad. I can't believe she was crying because of me.

"Babe if you are seeing this so please come home dear. I am sorry I should have followed you back there. I really am sorry. Please reply as soon as you see it I am worried please."

I first opened the app and directed my car to come home and hit auto-drive. I then closed the append called Lauren. The phone rang and rang. I tried again.

"Oh my god oh my god Victoria! I am sorry are you alright? Where are you?" she said in one breath.

I chuckled nervously because she uses my middle name. She only does that when she is dead serious I must have freaked her out. I looked around the snow had started to cover the road again also falling on my hairs and shoulders. I shook it off with my free left hand.

"No Lori I am sorry. I am sorry I worried you. You mustn't worry about me okay? I am fine please." I felt guilty for worrying her.

"Are you crazy? You are my best friend my sister if I won't worry about your damn ass then who will? Tell me you dumb head?" she screamed in phone."

I had to take the receiver away from my ear she was really mad at me. With my left hand I pulled up my hood to avoid the ice to get stuck in hair but it don't matter my hair never get bad.
They are perfect bit frizzy and silky at the same time lol I might have mentioned that earlier lol even though I don't take care of them or pay any extra attention to them.

I rubbed my eyes. "I am going to my house now and I've directed my car to home so I will be walking towards it. I'll be there in 5." If I ran it'll be 5 minutes if not then it will be 20 minutes I thought to myself.

I hung up even before she could reply.

I reached my house in 5 minutes exactly I entered the password in the fence and I caught my car parked in the drive way of my not so small house. I jogged up the two small stairs and reached the door of my villa I entered the code again and cleaned the ice off my boots on the entrance of the house. The tiny robot cleaner came and started to clean the mess I have created. I commanded the lights. They flickered open I noticed a dim light coming from the hall way I silently walked over there I opened the door soon I saw a girl who looked like Lauren engulf me into a tight hug I stumbled back and fell to the soft carpet, it didn't worked much and she and I hit our heads on the ground we groaned in pain together.

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