Part 2

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Angel's pov

I was woken up out of my sleep by a voice calling my name. "Angel wake up, you werent in class today, are u feeling sick" the voice said in a worried tone.

I opened my eyes to see hailey my roommate and close friend standing over me. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up and leaned against my headboard," no I'm not sick, I was just tired and took a nap" I said telling the half the truth.

Hailey squinted her eyes at me as she sat on my bed," your eyes are red you've been crying" she stated. Oh great it wouldnt be long before she figured out king was the reason my eyes were red and then I would have to listen to a whole lecture.

"Let me guess you got into another arguement with king" she said in a knowing tone.

"Please hailey I'm not in the mood for another lecture, I don't have the energy" I said.

Hailey shook her head," why do you stay with him, its obvious he's no good" she said.

"Because I love him hailey, we've been together 3 years I can't just walk away from that, you don't know him like I know him, if you actually got to know him you would see how sweet he is" I said.

" why are you defending him, the things he does to you aren't right , putting his hands on you and calling you degrading names isn't sweet angel, its abusive" she said.

" he doesn't put his hands on me and the name calling that's just his emotions getting out of hand" I said defensively.

Hailey rolled her eyes," you have a excuse for everything, he's not right in the head angel, I wish you would wake up and see that and stop acting like a love struck highschool girl" she said angrily.

Alright thats it , I wasn't gonna sit here and just let her insult me," you know what hailey I don't need your damn input about my relationship, you only have negative things to say anyway, if your my friend then you should be telling me how to fix my relationship not how to tear it apart and if you can't do that then just don't speak on it" I said bluntly.

Hailey looked hurt by my words, I didn't want to hurt her feelings but I was tired of her hurting mines. "Okay angel I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so negative , I just don't like the way he treats you, your my friend I want the best for you that's all" she said.

I give her a small smile," I know you do and I'm grateful for that, just lay off about king" I told her.

She nodded her head," fair enough, so anyway theirs a frat party at the end of finals week and we got invited, so your coming whether you want to or not" she said.

I groaned ," but that's two days from now" I whined.

"Yup so make sure to wear something cute" she said cheerily.

I knew there was no point in fighting with hailey about this, her mind was made up. Besides  it would be good to get out for a while, it might even make me forget about king for awhile.

"Sure hailey, I'll see what I can do" I said. Hailey screamed and hugged me tightly.

" yay, aiden is going to be so happy your coming" she said casually.

"Aiden's going to be there?" I asked nervously. Oh great after that whole disaster from earlier I didn't know if i could ever show my face around aiden ever again.

"Well duh it is his party" she said in a duh tone.

Just my luck, I couldn't let king know my plans for this week he would try to stop me from going, especially if he finds out I'm going to  aiden's event.

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