She senses my uneasiness and puts her arm around my shoulder. "I told you she's a slut," she says. 

"She's nothing like you," I turn my face to her and scowl, flinging her arm away. 

"You know that's not true, Mark-oppa. It was always you." 

I just shake my head and leave, joining the other guys. Jackson looks at me nervously. "You ok?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I saw her picture." 

So, everybody except me has seen it. 

"Mark, you know it's not like that, right?" Jackson explains. 

I just nod. I know it, but I still feel bad about it. Even before I announce that she's my girlfriend, people would already recognize her being with GD. 

She calls me before I go to sleep that night. It's around noon back in Korea. 

"Babe?" she says.


" asleep?"


"You ok?"




"Mark....what's wrong? You don't sound fine to me."


"Oh...ok...if you're too tired to talk, then fine." She sighs. "Call me when you're ok then." 

"Wait," I say before she hangs up. "Sorry."

"What's the matter?"

"I trust you, right?" 

"Of course, Mark. Why?" I hear somebody calling her in the background, sounds like a man's voice. It's certainly not Vic.

"Who's with you? Are you in the restaurant?" 

"Yup. Kwon's here. He's just helping me with the plans for the resort."

She spends more time with him than with me. Doesn't GD have events to attend to? Shouldn't he be in Europe at this time? I know they're partners and all, but why does it seem like I'm even busier than him when in fact he has more booked events than me. 

"Oh. I thought he'd be in Europe."

"When are you flying?" I hear her ask him, "He says tomorrow. We still need to finish this, that's why." 



"Don't get caught by the fans with him."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

So, she hasn't seen the pictures yet. "Check the online articles, will ya?" I think I sound a little angry. 

"What articles?"

"The one where a picture of you and GD are at the beach?" I say sarcastically. "I mean...seriously, Jess. You told me you didn't want the fans to know that we're going out, but you show everybody how close you are with him." I just can't contain it anymore. 

There's a moment of silence before she talks, "Oh...I didn't see this. Mark, I didn't know someone was taking a picture of us."

"Even if nobody's taking a picture, are you really that....sweet....with him?"

"What? NO!" She sounds annoyed now. "Mark, if you're upset because of this, then ok. Let's announce to the world that we're going out. Happy?"

Why is she the one angry now? 

I Love You, But I Lied - Mark Tuan and Got7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now