Involuntary Misfortune [11]

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, got it. Now if you'll excuse me-"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm going." Nagato smiled as he hung up the phone. A feeling of excitement bubbled up inside him as he thought of all the plans he had. It was always ironic that they both shared the same birthday and he was ready to use that to his advantage. A light wind blew, shifting his hair out of place. Resting against the railing, elbows bent, he raveled in the confines of his thoughts.


Naruto sat with Tenten watching as Hanabi waited for Neji to get back with Konohamaru.

"She seems excited," Hinata smiled coming to sit with them.

"Yeah," the brunette with pigtails replied.

"So Tenten, how are you and Neji getting along?" Naruto smirked.

She blushed and looked away, "w-well we're getting along just fine."

"Eh? Don't hold out on us," Hinata said. The Hyūga tried to hold back her laughter as they teased Tenten, it was pay back for all the times she'd done it to her.

She knew her cousin could be overbearing at times...well most times. But he was a good heart. "O-oh look! They're here," she said diverting their attention.

They all watched as Hanabi hugged Neji before stopping in front of Konohamaru. "Look guys!" She exclaimed pointing to the baby in his arms.

"Who's that?" Naruto asked getting to his feet.

"Kurenai let him take Mirai, her daughter." Neji explained with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Hi everyone," the brown haired boy smiled as he entered.

"She's so cute," Hanabi almost squealed as she took Mirai from her cousin. As if on cue all the women gathered around the baby expressing how adorable she was.

"Women," Neji muttered leaving the room.

Konohamaru chuckled and marched over to Naruto. "It's good to see you again," he grinned.

The blonde smiled at him before ruffling his hair, "yea-"

"Hey, you're messing up my hair!" He exclaimed batting away his hand. Naruto laughed and continued doing it just to annoy him.

Hinata glanced up from the baby just to watch them. A smile touched her lips as she saw Konohamaru's dilemma. But just watching her blonde husband with him made her feel like he'd be a good father.


"Tadaima," Sasuke said as he entered the house. Closing the door behind him he expected to at least see Sakura coming to greet him. Loosing his tie he trudged towards the kitchen. There was still no sign of Sakura. Getting himself a drink he made his way upstairs, "Sakura?"

On checking their bedroom he realized that she wasn't home. The raven haired Uchiha ran a hand through his hair and sat on the bed. "Great," he muttered to himself. He'd gotten off work early to spend some time with her. It wasn't much, but he wanted to make up for missing her call. A feeling of regret coiled in his stomach, they hardly saw each other lately and really he hated it. Resting the glass cup on the dresser, he began undressing. Maybe a bathe would make him feel better.

It wasn't long before he was soaking away his sorrows. His toes curled in the lukewarm water as he threw his head back. Thoughts of the way things used to be plaguing his mind. He thought of his older brother, the way he would get up extra early to make breakfast and still be home in time to make dinner...well most times. Having experienced the pressures of running a company first hand he was dumbfounded as to how Itachi managed that all on his own-while being sick.

His eyelids lifted revealing onyx eyes that stared at the ceiling. It still hurt to think about his brother. His nightmares had all but disappointed, but being around Sakura made it better. She made everything better and somehow he felt as though he owed her. She tried so hard to make sure that he was happy. Whereas happiness was something he didn't deserve.

Sasuke sighed and drew his fingers along the surface of the water. He wanted Sakura to come home, after having lunch with Tora he was in need of his wife. Though it wasn't that the blonde girl was bad, she was actually kind of...different. But she wasn't Sakura, which made all the difference.

"Tadaima!" He heard from down stairs. The raven haired boy was quickly to his feet. Stepping onto the white carpet before the tub, he reached for his bathrobe with his good arm. In a hurry, he draped it around his body and tied the strings to the best of his ability. Pushing his feet into his brown house slippers he made his way downstairs.

Walking as quickly as he could he caught sight of Sakura in the living room. The pinkette turned and saw him approaching her, "how was your-?" she was unable to finish her sentence as Sasuke pulled her into his embrace.

They stayed like that for a while, him holding her tightly with one arm and she shocked by the sudden gesture. "Where were you?" He asked staring at the closed door.

"At the hospital...I started helping out again," she replied.

"Oh," was his only response.

Sakura frowned a bit sad, "I missed you."

He tightened his embrace and closed his eyes, submerging himself in the smell of her hair. "I missed you too." She smiled and wrapped her arms around his waist. Maybe she was just over thinking throughout the day, by the looks of things he was still her Sasuke.

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