"How are you?"

"I'm fine." I smiled.

He looked at me with that 'Why you lying?' look. "No you're not."

"Y-yes I am, daddy." I said sitting up.

"Jasmine, I know that you and Chresanto are having problems..."

"Daddy were fine, we j-"

"Jasmine. I already know the whole story. You don't have to lie..."

I stared out the window.

"As much as I want to fly down to Atlanta and whoop the boy's ass, I want to tell you that Chresanto is in love with you and only you."

I smacked my lips. "Sure he is."

"He really is. Do you know how many times he has called here? Making sure you're alright. Last night, when he called, I talked to him for at least two hours."

I scrunched my face up. "About what?"

"About a young couple who went through the same things y'all are going through. The man was so in love with his wife. He loved the woman with all of his heart."

He paused as my mom walked in, and I sat straight up, listening to the story.

"They lived in Compton, CA. They didn't have much but they didn't care because they had eachother."

"They had a child that didn't make it. But they eventually had another child, got married and lived a pretty average life. Even though they were so in love, they were very young so their relationship had many many flaws. The man's wife worked alot to support their family. The young man felt neglected majority of the time. And he stepped out on his wife..."

"When his wife found out about it, she was hurt, upset, and angry. But she loved the man. So she decided to seek help. She wanted to save her marriage and she wanted to do what was best for her daughter. So they went to marriage counseling... Counseling helped her forgive her husband... they made sure to be faithful to eachother. They started their own business, became very successful, and they lived happily ever after."

I weakly smiled. "So what happened afterwards?"

He grinned. "Well now they have another beautiful daughter and four grandkids."

I smiled. "Where are they now?"

"You're looking at them." They both smiled.

"W-wait what?"

"That story, is our story." He smiled grabbing my mom's hand.

"This really happened to you guys?" I questioned.

"It happened. But I loved him too much to let his faults ruin what we had. So we did counseling and we've been good eversince." She smiled, holding on to my dad.

I couldn't believe this. They never told me this story.

"Princess, do you love Chresanto?" My dad asked.

I bit my lip. "I do, with all my heart."

"Then do what's right for you. Do what's right for your kids." My mom replied.

I sighed. I wanted to work things out with him. But I didn't want to let him off that easy. There's no way I could let him get away with breaking my heart like this.

"Baby girl, your flight leaves in a few hours, so get yourself together. And if it's in your heart, make things right with your husband when you get home, okay?" My dad smiled, pulling me into a hug.

His Life |Sequel To His Assistant|Where stories live. Discover now