Chapter 35: Prince Charming

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The next morning she woke up to the sunlight streaming through her open balcony. For somehow, it reminded her of last night and just that intensified the longing that she felt in her heart.

The part that was always aching for him.

For his touch.

For his lips.

With a sigh and a light shake of her head, she sat up from the bed and looked around her room in wonder.

Everything had changed.

It seemed she had always been dependent upon her Grandmother that now she found it hard to be on her own.

Everything was different then. She wasn't who she was before and now every moment of everyday in this mansion always brought her back to the memory of home.

Life had never felt so lonely and she had never felt so lost and homeless.

It was no one's fault, she kept telling herself, and still she was angry. Perhaps because it was her fault in the first place.

She left her Grandmother alone on her own. And now, she had no idea how to forgive herself nor how she could ever forgive herself.

A drop of tear silently rolled down her cheek but she brushed it away quickly. Inhaling a deep breath, she brought her legs close to her chest and hugged herself.

Perhaps it was time to let go of the heavy burden that she was feeling in her chest and in her heart.

Taking a deep breath yet again, she closed her eyes and exhaled as if letting out all the frustations she felt. She opened her eyes and pursed her lips.

Today she would try to stand up on her own feet and be a big girl.

Try to forgive herself.

Try to forget.

Feeling determined, she slipped out her feet underneath the bed, stood up on the floor, and walked towards her bathroom.

She entered the bathroom and although she tried to block out and forget everything for the mean time, the reflection shown upon the bathroom mirror which was as clear as day to her eyes reminded her of Zach.

It reminded her of last night.

The love she felt.

The way his hands had stroked her hair.

The way his calloused fingers cupped her face.

The way his lips caressed hers.

So soft and gentle.

Last night was so passionate and unforgettable that dreams of him followed her even after she fell asleep.

She filled the bathtub with warm water and lowered herself in it. She relaxed herself whilst losing herself in her own thoughts, relishing in the feeling of warmth wrapping around her cold body. After awhile, she fell asleep and dreamt of home.

Soon, she woke up and someone was knocking on her door. She almost forgot she wasn't alone in the mansion. She had always been used to having only one guardian. But now, she was living in her cousins' home and was forbidden to leave the borders of the land.

They said it was for her safety. Rogues, lone wolves, had scattered everywhere.

Haunting revenge.

Killing lives.

Destroying homes.

She was in danger.

Was it her fault?

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