Chapter 9: The Revelation

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"We're so sorry, Anna. We thought you already went home. We kept looking for you but Andrew said you already went for a ride with someone. So I thought why don't I call you for sure. But then I realized I don't have your cellphone number."

They were now at their lunch table. Bea, Victoria, and Keira sat opposite Anna, who was having a hard time eating her lunch. She still couldn't believe what happened earlier before School. As soon as she had left Jake inside his truck, she immediately went to the bathroom to wash her mouth, not being able to handle the taste of his lips stinging at the back of her throat. Why did he even have to kiss her? It would've made things so much easier if he just told her his specific age.

"Wait." Anna frowned, looking at Bea. "You said Andrew told you I went for a ride with someone?"

"Well, yeah. You know Andrew, right?"

She nodded her head.

"And you did go for a ride with someone?" Victoria asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yes..and no," she said. "I didn't go for a ride with someone before you guys left. I was actually looking for my phone which I had left after the football practice. I didn't see Andrew in the parking lot nor any of you guys after I found my phone."

The girls frowned at her, confused. Anna couldn't really blame them. Why would Andrew even lie about something like that? Perhaps it was all a misunderstanding?

"Well, then," Keira said, interrupting the silence on the table, "Looks like Andrew has an explanation to do."

"Oh, my! Holy cow!" Bea exclaimed suddenly, looking closely stunned at Anna. All the girls' eyes turned to look at her and gasped also, eyes widening and mouths hanging open.

Anna flushed at their stare. She frowned, confused at their actions. "What?"

Bea leaned over the table and whisper-yelled, "Oh, God. There are hickeys all over your neck! Is there something you're not telling us?!"

Anna's cheeks turned red as she quickly pulled her hood over her head to hide her face from their suspecting eyes.

She heard their silent laughs and if possible, she turned even redder.

"OK. Talk," Keira demanded, slamming her hand on the table and smirking at her.

"It's just a hickey," she muttered under her breath.

"A hickey, huh?" Bea questioned. "Just a hickey? There are more than what I saw and I bet there are much more down your chest." Bea smirked.

Covering her face with her hands, Anna groaned, cheeks burning.

"No secrets are left unrevealed here, Darling. So who is it?" Victoria asked, grinning.

Silence stretched onwards. She wasn't really sure how she would answer their questions. She wasn't even sure if she had been dreaming or awake that night! All she definitely remembered was his lips. Those soft lips caressing hers. Those warm lips sucking the burning skin of her neck and shoulders. Those lips igniting pleasure and burning her core.

"Anna, who's the lover boy?" asked Keira, interrupting her thoughts.

"Well," she sighed, cheeks flaming. "I actually have no idea who he is."

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