Chapter 34: Romeo and Juliet

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It was past midnight. The moon shone high above and the stars scattered the sky.

He shifted to his human form wearing his basketball shorts and came out from the shadows of the trees. In front of him was a vast mansion. For days, she was forbidden to leave this place. Forbidden to leave the borders of the land. Forbidden to see him.

His heart was aching. Aching for her. Without her, his heart was broken to pieces and she was the stitches.

He looked up. The scent was coming from the balcony at the second floor. He climbed up the fence and sneaked inside the room. Her sweet scent quickly flooded his nostrils. Despite the darkness, his dilated eyes could see clearly across the room. She was sound asleep upon her bed. Dead to the world.

He took long strides and neared the beautiful girl whom he had been aching for. Each step closer was a second closer to home. It was homesickness that surged through him. His life was ruined since she left, because she left. He had been like a walking dead person. A merciless, heartless Alpha. He made a home out of her and when she left, he was homeless, lost, and alone.

Her hair was still long and dark. It scattered beautifully around her pillow and he could see the side of her heavenly face. Soft plump lips looking so inviting and beautiful.

It had only been days but it seemed to him it had been a long time since he saw her. Approaching the bed, he hovered above her and looked at her face. Looking so peaceful and beautiful. Arms bracing her sides, he leaned down and kissed her lips. Lightly. Softly. Gently.

He closed his eyes and began to feel her reciprocating on her own. Her hands gingerly moved to caress his sides as she moaned softly. Opening his eyes, he pulled back slowly and sat up from the bed. In the dark, she saw the outline of his shadow.

"Zach?" she called. There was utter loneliness and melancholy dripping from her soft voice. He felt it. She was broken. Deep inside. And he desired nothing but to comfort her.

"I'm here."

Slowly, she sat up from the bed and couldn't believe it. He was here? Was she dreaming? For days, she dreamed of him. Dreamed of his lips upon hers. Dreamed of his arms wrapping around her providing comfort. But she didn't care anymore whether tonight was only a dream or not. She threw her arms around him and straddled his lap as she buried her face at the crook of his neck and smelt his scent.

Before she could stop herself, tears pooled in her eyes and they ran silently down her face in the surge of the moment. Oh, how she missed him! His scent. His lips. His skin against hers. Everything.

His strong arms came around her and slowly she began to believe this wasn't a dream. Wrapping his arms around her, he deeply smelled in her sweet scent and God how he missed her. He stroked her hair and rubbed her bare back under the thin shirt she wore.

"I missed you," she whispered softly in his ear, her voice so broken and homesick.

"Me, too, Kitten," he murmured. "Me, too." He kissed her hair. "Don't ever do that again."

She sniffed. "Do what?"

"Leave me."

"I'm sorry," she murmured sincerely.

He pulled back from her and cupped the side of her face. Looking deeply into her innocent eyes, he looked deep into her pure soul. "I love you," he said, "and I need you.".

Even in the dark, she saw the fire in his eyes and just then she realized what he meant. He was answering the very last question she had asked him on the phone before she left him.

I love you and I need you.

His voice echoed in her head. True love and need are two different things. But one cannot exist without the other. Is that what true love is?

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