Chapter 33: Big Girls Don't Cry

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What was taking too long? Anna thought as she waited patiently for Zach to come out of the house. It had been possibly only a few minutes but to her it seemed like it had been hours. With a sigh, she opened the passenger's door, ignoring the fact that she was disobeying Zach's order, and stepped outside of the truck.

It was strange, she thought inmediately. There was no rush of homeliness that washed over her as she looked over the front doors that were ajar. The skies were gray and dark and grim. It seemed like a lonely day as the trees seemed to whisper something to each other. She heard it. Almost.

The leaves were hushing a melancholy lullaby as if reciting a song of death to her ears. Even the wind was singing a sad melody. She hugged herself as she felt the coldness of the breeze. It was dusk yet the sun was in no sight.

She couldn't see any trace of sunlight from over the trees and over the skies and just that made it seem like the skies had lost hope for the sun to come. As if it was too late. Night was crawling over the horizon and she realized how unusually silent her home was.

She looked over the house once again. There were no lights turned on behind the windows at the first floor nor at the second. Outside, leaves were scattered everywhere as if no one decided to clean the place. It was unusual for her Grandmother to not clean the place before sunset. Lola wasn't like the person to always forget things. In fact, she was always diligent, always the one to tend to her responsibilities faithfully.

Fear crept down Anna's spine as goosebumps sticked to her skin. Something was terribly wrong, she felt. Just as she walked a few steps towards the front doors, a familiar brown truck pulled over behind Zach's black truck.

Hearing the sound of engine, she turned and saw John and Ben getting out of the brown truck and quickly walking towards her. Frowning, she looked at both brothers, utterly confused. "What are you guys doing here?" she asked.

"Anna, don't go inside," Ben warned as he walked to her and John went straight inside.

"What are you talking about? This is my home," she protested as Ben gently grabbed her arm and stopped her from going inside. "Ben, let me go."

"This is for your safety."

With that, she felt angry. He was trying to protect her from her own home? Was he on drugs or something? Pulling away from him, she stormed inside the house and quickly followed the growls echoing from the kitchen.

"You bästard! You killed her!" she heard John seething. Someone was killed?! she thought. It couldn't be! It shouldn't be! Panicking, she walked fast and saw Zach and John glaring at each other in the kitchen room.

"What's happening here?" she questioned, seeing both their eyes darting towards her and immediately widening. Whether out of fear or anger, she didn't know. It was funny how the two Alphas stood in the same room and looked as intimidating as the other.

"Anna--" John stormed towards her and tried to stop her from coming further into the room but it was too late. She froze in her tracks and witnessed it.

Her Grandmother was dead.

Her body was laid down on the floor lifeless and blood pooling beneath her corpse. Just the sight tore her heart into shreds in an instant. There was nothing left. She couldn't breathe so she heaved as tears swiftly rolled down her cheeks without warning. The ground seemed to tremble beneath her feet and she felt herself shaking.

"No!" Her hands flew to her mouth. "No!"

Her knees weakened. She waited to meet the floor but strong arms embraced around her and she was too hurt to care who had dared to touch her. She was feeling everything all at once. The pain. The ache. The anger. The confusion. The chaos.

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