"I know." I sigh. "But, you see how Sunbae looks at her. Just don't trust that guy."

He laughs at that. "Mark, you sure are one jealous mother fucker." He hits my head and stands up as soon as JB calls all of us to continue practicing again. 

Lisa is being especially flirty. What's with her? I just try my best to ignore her. Jackson butts in once in a while when he sees me being uncomfortable with her closeness. 

After practice, we go to Incheon after freshening up. The girls also go there with us since they are part of it. The event takes longer than expected - or maybe I just can't wait to go home and see her. I'm guessing she's already in her room, sleeping. 



I don't know why, but the past two days was the best vacation I had. Not really a vacation but it felt like it. Vic and I are back to being friends. No more awkward moments. I guess he's over with his feelings for me. That made it easier to go back to just being us again. 

He disappears from the party we go to, just beside the hotel we're staying in. Jess says he's always like that when he's surrounded by guys. Haha...I can just imagine. 

I notice how Jess is trying to control her drinks. It's different from when she just kept on drinking during the opening of the restaurant, she looked silly drunk back then. But now, she looks at the crowd, I feel like she wants to just join them and go wild, her self-control is admirable. 

We are seated at a table just beside where the dancing is and it's getting noisier and noisier every minute. "Wanna move to a quieter place?" I ask.

"Huh? That's fine," she answers, still watching the people on the dance floor. "I'm ok."

"You wanna dance, don't you?" I tease her.

"No," she says defensively, peeling her eyes away from the crowd.

"Yes, you do. Come on," I pull her to her feet, "let's go dance." 

"No." She pulls her hand back. "I can't."

"You can't dance? I don't believe you." She looks like she is good at it. 

"Not that. I just promised Mark I won't go dancing with any guys without him." She giggles.

"But he's not here. I won't tell, promise," I say.

"Nah." She takes a deep breath and sips her cocktail.

Mark is lucky to have her. This kid is really something. If it were the girls I knew back then, they would immediately jump in the opportunity and flirt around. But not her. 

"Let's just head back in," she says, finishing her drink. "We need to be early to check the site tomorrow."

"Sure," I take her to her room.

As we walk towards the hotel, I feel the urge to wrap my arm around her since I see her hugging herself because of the chill. But, I remove my cardigan and give it to her instead. 

"Thanks," she smiles. 

"Mark's lucky to have you, you know."

"Huh? Why'd you say that?" 

"I don't know. I just feel like you're the best girlfriend a guy could ever have." 

"Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Not right now. I have .... girls...." I laugh, "but no serious relationships."

"Of course," she laughs, too. "Well, good night." She takes off the jacket and hands it back to me when we reach her room. 

I Love You, But I Lied - Mark Tuan and Got7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now