Ending Note

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Wow guys I really can't believe this story is over. I've been writing it since, September I think? It's come a long way since then.

I want to thank each and every one of you for reading, voting and commenting. Your comments literally made my day.

This was the most fun I've ever had while writing, I can't even thank you enough.

I'm not sure if I'll be writing any more stories on this wattpad account, maybe I will but I honestly just don't know.

If you ever want to contact me you can through Wattpad DMs but honestly those are really hard for me to get through and I don't always see them so feel free to follow me on my maze runner Instagram which is @curethecranks. You can DM me on there or whatever.

I guess this is goodbye, thanks everyone for all the support with this story. I'll still continue to read through everyone's comments and stuff like that but as of right now this story is completed.

Ily! -Kara 

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