Thomas' House .XXI

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"You're mom is one of the best humans in the world," Thomas grinned as he gripped the steering wheel of his jeep.

"Yeah, she really is great," Newt looked at his boyfriend fondly, "I'm glad you guys got along!"

"Newt, it's impossible to dislike that woman," Thomas laughed as he rested one of his hands on Newt's knee.

"Tell me about your parents," Newt said as he leaned his head back and let his eyelids flutter shut.

"My mom, she's so sweet. My dad, well he always played baseball with me but after he got sick he's been laying pretty low. He's still a great guy, he just can't remember everything correctly and occasionally he doesn't even know what he's saying. His heart also doesn't work properly all the time...he has a rare form of a disease called FL.a5re," Thomas paused for a moment and Newt instinctively squeezed his hand.

"It's alright Tommy, I bet I'll love them."

"I hope so Newt," Thomas shot him a small smile but Newt could sense the worry behind his eyes.



As soon as they knocked on the door Thomas was almost tackled by his mother, almost similar to Newt's mom's reaction.

"Did you get bigger? I swear you got bigger," his mom looked up lovingly at him as she kissed his cheek.

"Uh, mom, this is Newt," Thomas gestured shyly to Newt.

"I totally forgot you were coming!" she gushed but stuck out her hand for Newt to shake, "I'm Lisa but if Mrs.Edison makes you more comfortable then call me that."

"Okay," Newt flushed as he shook her hand.

"No need to be shy, for as much as Thomas talks about you I feel like I..." she was quickly cut off by Thomas speaking loudly.

"Hey! It's cold out here, let's go in!"

"I think I embarrassed him," she whispered to Newt then laughed and followed Thomas inside.


"So you're majoring in medicine?" Lisa asked as Newt watched her carefully.

He nodded and smiled.

"Is he always this shy?" Lisa asked Thomas who shook his head, "it takes him awhile to open up but once he does he never shuts up."

"Hey! That's a bloody lie," Newt frowned but Thomas just put his arm around Newt's back and kissed his cheek.

"Oh how cute young love is," Lisa grinned and clasped her hands together, "should I bring you father in here Tom?"

"Sure," Thomas nodded but he tensed up a slight bit.

"I'll go get him, he was watching TV an hour ago. Be right back boys," she quickly disappeared.

"Tommy relax," Newt whispered as soon as his mother was out of sight.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want anything to go wrong," he leaned his head on Newt's and sighed.

"No matter what, we'll make it work. All that matters is that I love you and nothing is going to change that."

"I don't deserve you," Thomas chuckled which vibrated against Newt's hair.

"Stop it," Newt flushed but leaned into Thomas.

"We should've pulled our heads out of our asses sooner and dated a long time ago," Thomas said.

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