Hungover and Heartbroken .XII

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Newt groaned loudly as he shoved his face into his pillow again, "Gally, turn off the light it hurts so bad!"

"There's no light on Newt, it's just my phone glowing."

"I think my brain is trying to get out of my skull," Newt whimpered and he pressed his hands on his temples. 

Gally glanced over at Newt, "okay, you look like shit. Where were you last night?"

"A party," Newt cringed as a flash of pain shot through his skull.

"Are you...are you hungover?" Gally was failing to stifle his laugh.

"Yes," Newt hissed.

Gally burst out into laughter, making Newt's head throb.

"I'm going to Minho's," Newt grumbled as he slowly got up and rubbed his eyes. His whole body hurt and he felt sick to his stomach.

"Don't puke in the room" Gally called as Newt slipped on sneakers and made his way down to Minho's. He didn't even realize he didn't have a shirt on and he completely forgot about Teresa.

When he finally got to Minho's door he knocked on it lightly, every single noise made his head pound.

The door opened almost instantly, "I thought you'd come by," Minho snickered then let Newt in.

"I feel like bloody hell," Newt groaned as he entered the room.

"You look like it too," Minho laughed.

"Thanks," Newt mumbled as he absent mindlessly sat down on the end of Thomas' bed, he didn't even register that it was empty.

"I'm guessing you want to know how to cure a hangover," Minho gently placed a shirt in Newt's lap. Newt looked at it, confused.

"You're shirtless buddy, and it's not warm outside, put it on."

Newt flushed but pulled the big shirt over his head and onto his body, "why do your muscles have to be so bloody big," Newt started down at the very baggy black shirt that engulfed his tiny body.

"Why do you have to be so small?" 

Newt glared at him rubbed his head, "I came here because I thought you were going to help me."

"I'm going to, relax." Minho grabbed pills and a water bottle off his dresser.

Newt greedily swallowed down the medicine and gulped the water.

"Thank you," he said as he wiped water from his lips.

"Hey Newt, can I ask you something?" Minho asked as he sat on his bed, directly opposite from Newt.

Newt nodded.

"Do you remember anything from last night?"

Newt thought for a moment then shook his head lightly, his head still hurt, just not as badly.

"You told me something that I don't think you wanted me to know."

Newt froze, did I tell him I like Tommy?

"It's not's just."

"Minho, just please tell me what I said," Newt cut him off, panic apparent on his face.

"Newt are you gay?"

Newt completely stopped moving and his whole body heated up. He could feel the hot red blush on his cheeks and his stomach churned.

"You look like you're gonna puke, are you alright?" Minho asked gently.

"Nope, I'm gonna throw up," Newt admitted.

Textbooks, Tests and Oh, College - [Newtmas AU]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat