Big Step .XVI

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I'm dedicating this chapter to @falloutyoutube because literally all her comments and votes made my day today :)

"Stop clicking your bloody pen," Newt glared at Thomas as he clicked it again.

"I'm bored of studying," Thomas groaned as he rolled onto his back. There were books all over the floor and Cheetos crumbs, thanks to Thomas.

"It'll pay off once you pass your midterms," Newt sighed but closed his book anyways.

"I'm gonna miss you when we go home," Thomas frowned.

"You know it's almost been 2 months," Newt said shyly.

"Really? It doesn't feel that long, actually it feels longer...actually i don't know i'm just happy," Thomas smiled and tipped his head back to look at Newt.

"Me too," Newt smiled, "hey let's take a break."

Thomas' face lit up and he sprung up off the floor.

"I don't mean a make out break, get your keys," Newt pecked Thomas' cheek as he frowned.

Thomas got his keys and coat anyways.

"Stop pouting, we'll do that later,' Newt hugged Thomas from behind and rested his cheek on his back.


"Nope, we still need to study," Newt laughed which caused Thomas to groan loudly.

"Okay little pain in the ass, let's go," Thomas grabbed Newt's hand as they walked out the door.


"Where do you want to go?" Thomas asked as he pulled out of the dorm parking lot. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other intertwined with Newt's.

Newt shrugged, "somewhere, you pick."

"Remember when we went grocery shopping the first time?" Thomas asked, smirking.

"Yeah? Why."

"I was totally checking out your ass the entire time," Thomas grinned as Newt's cheeks flushed red.

"I noticed," he said softly.

"I should've asked you out then," Thomas turned down a side road.

"Yeah, you should have," Newt squeezed Thomas' hand.

"I was so stupid you know? With that whole Teresa thing. I figured out why we fought, it's because you saw me kissing her. You know as soon as you walked out I regretted it, it should have been you I had against that wall. I stayed at Alby's that night because I was so upset. I thought I could never have you so I tried to force myself to like Teresa," Thomas said softly as he kept his eyes locked on the road.

"Tommy, it's okay," Newt smiled as he kissed Thomas' hand, "it was a long time ago."

"I know, i just feel guilty," Thomas frowned.

"It's not like you slept with her," Newt shrugged, "I've made out with people I wish I didn't."

Thomas smiled and turned down another street.

"You're the best Newt."

"Do you know where we're going?"

"Yeah! I have a great idea!" Thomas grinned as he kept driving.


"This was an awful idea," Newt grumbled as he landed on his ass for the 3rd time.

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