Chapter 6: Story from the past

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Chapter 6: Story from the past

I turn around and see a huge screen behind me.... It showed her entire face.

She kept on laughing until all the eyes were on her.

"Oh! Hello! I wasn't expecting one direction to be with you." She said.

"Taylor.... What do you want?! Why do you hate me so much?!" I yelled.

"Because your freaking grandmother killed my grandma when they were young!"

"It was your family's fault not mine!... That's the past this is now." I said.

"The good thing my mother is still alive." She said with a smirk.

"Mother...... Never talk about her! Ever!again!" I spat holding the tears.

"Didn't your mother die in a accident when she was chasing my mother.... It was the funniest story of my life. Mother told me every night about it." She said.

I had enough. I ran out pushing past Harry and Liam. I heard her laughing. I closed the door behind me and cried.

Abraham P.O.V

Taylor kept on laughing evilly.

"Hey! Can you mess with other someone's life than mess hers up with the past!" I spat.

"Oh.... Abraham Mateo.... The famous Spain singer.... Well your little girlfriend has the right to cry!" She said.

"What the hell is your problem?!" Said boss.

"Oh. Hi. Dad..." She said.... in boss is the father of Taylor!

"Dad?! Why didn't you tell us?! You worked for 2 companies!" I yelled in his face.

I was shocked. My own boss worked for the company we are enemies with.

"Yes, I do work for them but I didn't wanted to tell you." He said.

"So, all you said to us was a lie." I said.

"You son of a..." I heard yivi's grandma cuss.

"I quit!... You lied to us the whole time!" I yell and ran out to look for yivi.

I slammed the door behind me and there was no sign of yivi.

"Yivi?! Yivi?!" I yelled.

I walked around the park and it was very dark. I heard sniffs coming behind a bush.


"Go away!" She snapped but she was still crying.

I ran to her and wrapped my arm around her.

"You okay?" I ask her.

"Not really." She said.

I pulled her close to my chest so she can hear my heart beat.


"Yes." I say.

"I love you."

The 3 words I've been waiting all my life for her to say.

"I love you too." I said leaning my forehead to touch hers.

AgentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora