Chapter 5: The concert

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Chapter 5: The concert

"No." She said simply.

My heart stopped. Did she just say 'no'?!

I started jumping up and down inside.

"Sorry Abraham. What did you want to ask me?" She said.

Jake pushed me up. "Umm I want to ask that.... Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Yivi P.O.V

Abraham just asked me to go out with him.

Heck no! Said my bad side but my good side said give him a chance.

"Alright. But one date and that's it." I said.

"Got it! One date." He said.

I walked away and heard him jumping and dancing. He was happy.

I sat down and ate my breakfast.

I've been waiting for 2 hours until the boss called.

Finally my phone rang.


Boss: yivi. Bring your grandma, were outside.

I hung up and helped grandma up and walked towards the car.

Abraham opened the door and helped us get in.

"Thank you kind gentleman." She said to him. I rolled my eyes.

When we got in the car abuela spoke.

"I heard yivi a Abraham are going on a date? Is that true yivi?" She said nudging me.

"Yes mami but I really don't want talk about it." I said giving her a glare.

*2 hours*

"Finally! New York!" Said the boss happily.

One direction was playing town square.

"Look! I see them! Lets go!" I yelled through the wind.

I fell but Abraham caught me. "Uh, thanks." I said looking up at him.

"Your welcome." He said.

We powered walk cuz grandma couldn't run that fast.

"Cause you were mine for the summer

Now we know its nearly over.

Feels like snow, in September.

But I always will remember,

You were my summer love..."

Oh no. This song makes me cry so hard.

At least it was almost over. "Yivi? smell like perfume." Said Abraham sniffing me.


"Thank you guys for coming out tonight!" Yelled Liam.

"We love you!" Yelled Harry.... Harry styles...

Oh how I love him... His cute dimples and how his green eyes-

"Yivi! Come on!" Said Abraham yanking my arm.

"Put these on." Said the boss giving us V.I.P passes.

After the show we went backstage with the guys.

Niall was drinking was,Louis was playing around with zayn, Liam on the phone and Harry.... Being so.... Hot....

"Yivi? Yivi!" Said grandma waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh no! Your with Abraham not harry!" She said noticing.

I laughed.

The boss talked to the manger and took us to a private place to talk.

They sat us down first and then one direction came in.... Harry and I made eye contact. His green eyes were amazayn.

"So, why do you guys bring us here?" Asked Liam.

"We work for the secret agency and we have to protect you all 5 cuz it seems like there's another agency trying to kill ya." Said boss.

They all looked at each other but Harry. Harry was staring at me.

"We don't believe you." Said Louis.

Boss looked at us... Mostly me. I got up.

I walk over to zayn and take his hand.

Harry seemed a bit jealous.

I put zayn inches away from my face and then I put his hand on my shoulder.

I grab him by the side neck and the hip and flip him over. He got up and I kicked him against the wall.

We were only a few feet away. I threw tiny spinning knifes but I missed. It aimed above his head, next to it and close you his 'private'

"Ok, wow that was close." He said.

Louis was about to speak but I cut him off.

"You want to see more?" I said.

They all nodded no. But Harry got up and put his arm around me.

I always had a huge crush on him... But I remembered I had a date with Abraham.

"You know we're lucky to have a very professional, hot spy." He said mentioning me.

Abraham got up. "Uh, very funny. But, she's mine pal back off!" He said taking my hand and pulling me over to him.

"So, if your spy's then, you have to watch us 24/7?" Asked Niall.

"No. Of course not but we have to if its like a deadly situation." Said boss.

They all nodded. "Aww how cute! They finally all got along! Especially Abraham and yivi." Said a girl voice.

I turn around and see my worst and only nightmare......

Taylor plum.... My worst enemy.

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