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Will had expected the rest of the day to be relaxed, and had intended to stay with Nico (purely for his health, of course), but it turned out slightly different than he'd planned.

Will had just gotten some clothes to shower when he heard the scream. Recognising the sound of the voice, he dropped his clothing and ran toward the voice.

'Ben, get off!' Lou Ellen exclaimed loudly. He rounded the corner of a cabin to see Ben (a guy from the Ares cabin) holding up a dagger.

Will wasn't the greatest fighter, and he wasn't embarrassed to admit that; so in a situation like the one he was currently in, he didn't really know what to do. He knew he didn't have much time, and Lou Ellen was his friend but just as he'd decided to go over and shove Ben away, a skeleton rattled to life behind Ben, grabbing him by the shoulders and dragging him away from Lou Ellen.

Will's mind went blank, and all he could think was,
I'm going to kill di Angelo.

'Lou,' Nico said calmly, walking over to her and gesturing for her to go to Will. 'Go to Will.'

'I told you no underworldly magic, you little shit!' Will said, pointing an accusing finger at Nico. 'Look at your arms!'

Nico's arms had gained a dark, semi-translucent consistency, and Will could almost see through them. It was like Nico was becoming one of the shadows.
'Well I wasn't just going to let that guy attack her, was I? And clearly you weren't doing a fabulous job at saving her,' Nico said bluntly, rolling his eyes at Will.

Will couldn't help it; he started to laugh.

Nico shot him a murderous look.
'What are you laughing at?'

'I can't believe you said fabulous,' Will said through laughter. 'And you're being nice, am I rubbing off on you?'

'Ahh, shut up Solace. Take your friend to the infirmary and do that thing you do, I'm going.'

'Hah – di Angelo, you aren't going anywhere, you think I'm through with you? You just went against direct orders –'

'The war's over, Solace, I don't follow your orders.'

'Oh like hell the war's over, not between us it's not! Next time you visit the underworld, it'll be because I sent you there!'

Lou Ellen giggled a little, catching Will and Nico's attention.
'You two are kind of cute,' she said, smiling.

Will felt his face go red, and glanced over to see that Nico's was the same bright colour.

'Don't be ridiculous,' Nico said, crossing his arms and looking away from Will and Lou Ellen. 'Take her to the infirmary, I'll take him to Chiron,' Nico said.

The commanding tone that Nico used was almost enough to convince Will to do what he said.

'Oh, as if I'm going to just let you go alone, Lou can take herself to the infirmary! Besides, I highly doubt that you're able to take Ben anywhere with those arms.'

'Shove off, Solace.'

Will just rolled his eyes slightly.

After taking Ben to Chiron, Will took Nico to the infirmary and used some of his healing abilities to help Nico regain some energy. Nico protested the whole time, but Will just ignored him.

'Will,' Nico whined, scowling. 'I'm fine, seriously...'

'Shut up, Nico, I'm trying to focus,' Will mumbled, continuing on with the hymn he needed to sing in order for Nico to heal.

After Will had healed him, Nico's exhaustion caught up with him. Will smiled slightly as Nico drifted to sleep, even though he too was tired from using his powers (especially since he'd been using them over the other few days to heal people who'd been injured in the battle).

Will walked away from Nico's bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He wanted to talk to Chiron about what had happened with Lou Ellen, but wasn't sure that it was a good idea. Will just really wanted to take a nap.

While walking around, Connor fell into step with Will.
'Hey, you look tired,' Connor said.

Will smiled, rolling his eyes.
'Thanks, hi to you too. I just healed Nico.'

'What was wrong with him?'

'The little shit used his stupid underworldly magic, so now he's fading again. He's honestly such an idiot.'

Connor looked at Will, mystified.
'Say... you've been hanging out with him an awful lot lately, haven't you?'

Will raised an eyebrow.
'Are you feeling neglected or something?'

'No, it's just... curious,' Connor stated, smiling slyly – Will wasn't sure he liked how smug and cheeky Connor was looking. 'I mean – you guys argue like a married couple, really. And there's been a couple of rumours floating around, ya know; people are saying that death boy is gay.'

Will's heart leapt into his throat. How could anybody possibly have found out already? Should he go back and warn Nico?

'R-really?' Will stammered, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly. He was terrible at lying.

Connor waved a hand, shrugging.
'I mean, I don't care if he's gay. I just thought you'd be interested to know what people are saying. Anyway... if you see Nico – which you obviously will – let him know. Can't be easy being a son of Hades. Have fun with your lover boy – oops, I mean, death boy.' Connor smirked, waving and jogging off.

Will didn't get a chance to react to Connor's 'slip up', but he mentally cursed his friend.

Then he wondered. Why was it that spending time with Nico, or even just thinking about Nico, gave him that feeling? Could Will... possibly like Nico?

But I'm straight, aren't I? Will wondered as he walked unconsciously toward the Apollo cabin. Well... I've never really liked a girl, have I?

Will decided to have a shower, since he didn't get to have one in the morning. Besides, showers were the best place to contemplate confusing things.

Do I... like Nico?

A.N: well hello

okay please don't kill me
i'm sorry!!!
I got writers block and ugh well you probably know what it's like, I literally continuously opened this and closed it because I had no idea what to write.

SOOOOOOO... what do you guys think about will contemplating his sexuality? should there be some legit solangelo fluff? (ok I know there's a fair bit but come on there's never enough) connor's pretty mischievous lol I like him a lot and his and will's friendship is chill

alright i'm being serious right now
I wanna know what you guys are thinking as you read
so pleasepleaseplease comment!! I promise i'll reply, I really just wanna know if you guys are enjoying it. voting is good too, but... COMMENTS COME ON GUYS PLEASE



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