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Sure, the revelation of Nico's sexuality was a surprise, but Will really had no idea what Nico was talking about when he asked if Will was staying or going. Why in Hades would he leave over something like that?

'You're stupid,' Will commented simply, crossing his arms. 'I don't care if you're gay, you should've just told me in the first place.'

'I – what? You... what?'

Will smiled a bit, rolling his eyes.
'I don't care if you're gay, death boy – and although you seem to find it hard to believe, nobody else does either.'

Nico, through his stupor, managed to say something, that to Will, made complete sense.

'It's okay. You're not getting rid of me, di Angelo,' Will reassured him, somehow understanding that there were a million and one thoughts overloading in Nico's head.

Nico finally smiled back at Will, even though it looked timid.

'So do you get it now, Will? Sun-kissed?' Jason asked, ruining the small moment.

It dawned on Will then, what Jason and Percy had meant with all of those stupid comments, and Will laughed.
'Oh my gods,' he said with a grin. 'So that's why you were red, Nico!'

'And this is exactly why I hate everybody,' Nico muttered.

'Don't lie, di Angelo,' Will teased, smirking and walking over to Nico.

'Shut up, Solace. Maybe you are annoying.'

Will slung an arm around Nico, ruffling his hair to irritate him.

Jason elbowed Percy, and Will heard him whisper,
'Clearly we know what Nico's type is now.'

Nico glared at Percy.
'Don't start, Percy.'

'Why is Will your type? I mean, sure, he looks okay, I guess, but...'

'Percy, it doesn't matter. You have a girlfriend,' Nico said, rolling his eyes. 'And who said Will's my type?'

Jason and Percy both smirked at Nico, and Will couldn't help but wonder if Nico liked him; he wasn't sure how he felt about it, but that strange feeling was tugging at his heart again...

'So, Will; what are your intentions with Nico?'

'Um, what?'

'What are your intentions with Nico? We've gotta ask because he's our friend, we don't want anybody treating him wrong.'

'Wait a sec –' Will began, only to get cut off again.

Nico scowled at all of them, flipping his fringe away from his eyes.
'Guys, shut up, we're friends.'

'Oh really? It didn't look like you were friends before, what with how close you guys were standing...'

'We were really just messing around –' Will begun.

Jason smirked more.
'In what way, Will?'

Will glanced fleetingly at Nico, who'd gone bright red again.
'In the platonic way,' Will replied, rolling his eyes slightly. 'Honestly, if we were messing around in the other way, don't you think we'd have locked the door?'

'Well I mean, people do get caught up in the moment...' Percy teased. 'I can see why you might forget.'

'We didn't forget because we weren't doing anything!' Nico replied, his arms crossed. 'Now is there an actual reason you three came over here?'

Leo laughed awkwardly.

'This idiot accidentally set my cabin on fire,' Percy explained, glaring pointedly at Leo. 'So I had to put it out, and now my cabin is flooded and smells like smoke.'

'We came over to see if we could stay here, but I mean, since you're so busy...'

'Shut up, Leo, we're not doing anything. And if you must, you can stay.'

'Although, Nico is sick, so you might all get infected...'

'Eh, it's all good,' Jason said, casually going over and sitting down on Nico's bed. 'Hey, if you two claim you weren't doing anything, why are the sheets all messed up?'

'I was in bed, before you three barged in and outed me to Will; thanks a lot, for that, by the way.'

Percy walked over to Nico, ruffling his hair. Will smiled subconsciously at the way Nico slapped his hand away, his attempt to be intimidating almost funny.

Will, somehow, liked how Nico was so defensive about things. Not just that, but other things too.

'Since our buddy Nico is so obliviously in love with you,' Leo began, casually slipping his hands into his pockets. 'I'm just warning you that we really will kick your butt if you don't at least let him down easy.'

Will looked over at Leo, a bit surprised.
'I didn't realise the four of you were all so close,' he stated, sounding unsure.

'I want you to consider this for a second; being a son of Hades, feeling unwanted everywhere, and being gay as well – can you imagine how lonely that would be? For me, at least, I know what it's like to feel alone, and I don't want him to feel like that.'

Will didn't know Leo had a serious bone in his body, but he was definitely taking Leo's words seriously. Will didn't think he could even begin to imagine what it was like for Nico, the feeling of isolation doubled not only because of his father, but because of his sexuality as well.

'I – I'm not going to hurt him, Leo.'

Leo exhaled slightly, before grinning widely and throwing an arm around Will's shoulder.
'Good, then we aren't going to have any issues! So, be honest; do you think Nico's hot?'


Jason was suddenly involved in their conversation.
'I think he's pretty good looking, in a weird scrawny way – no homo though.'

Will cracked a smile.

'I guess I see what you mean,' Leo replied, studying Nico. The two of them turned to Will expectantly, but Will just held his hands up.

'I'm not involved in this, and why would I tell you two?'

'Well it's not like we're going to tell anybody, Will,' Jason said, tutting in disapproval.

'Exactly, we're really trustworthy,' Leo added; the mischief in his voice made Will think otherwise, but his resolve weakened, and he decided to be honest.

'Well... I guess he's kinda hot...' Will said carefully, looking over at Nico, who was in the middle of arguing with Percy about 'his type' or something.

'NICO WILL JUST SAID YOU'RE KINDA HOT!' Jason immediately yelled, before bursting into a fit of laughter. Will shoved him, cursing and complaining that nobody was trustworthy anymore.

Nico was too caught up in his argument with Percy to do anything other than call back, 'bullshit, Grace!'

'HE'S KINDA HOT THOUGH~' Leo sung dramatically with a before dissolving into laughter along with Jason.

'Ooh, lovers~" Percy teased, smirking. 'Will is definitely your type, Nico!'

'Damn it, Will is not my type!'


A.N: *awkward feedback, silence* so.... obviously this is a very late update... and i'm pretty sure there will be more like this... but I'M REALLY SORRY, REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY AND I LOVE YOU GUYS TO INFINITY AND BEYOND BUT I KIND OF HAVE A LIFE THAT I HAVE TO BE INVOLVED IN SOMETIMES!!! pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaassssseeeeeeeee forgive me T-T

voting and commenting will make me update faster - comments especially *wink wink nudge nudge*

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