End two

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Smoke surrounded the few survivors of the massacre as I stepped to the lead. Many gasps could be heard along with the rushing of more soldiers as my ears attempted to block out the noise for focus. After awhile nobody could see through the smoke that blocked me as a magic was at work. My black tail grew in size as did the amounts of black fur on my body. Forced onto all fours, I let out a cry as fangs increased inside my mouth. When the smoke cleared, a giant black fox had taken over my appearance with a growl. My claws came out my paws to test for completion of the transformation. My  head snapped up at the sound of more battle cries from the enemy that charged into my camp. Mouth curling into a snarl, body lurching forward in lunges, attacking any enemy trying to kill my people. Too many, too many, too many, voices screamed around me and in my mind. Soon, pain started sinking in as Russians shot me from all angles, getting through thick fur to soft flesh. They used chains to limit my movement as I struggled beneath it all. My head told me this form was weakening, that I had to hurry and get out. Formulas told me I could beat them with the last of my energy and another transformation. 

Russia pov

Smoke surrounded everyone as the fox collapsed. When it cleared, it was no longer there. Instead the bullets of something above caused everyone to look up, only for my soldiers to be shot dead. The few survivors ducked for cover. America was looking up, eyes full of admiration. Australia was saying how hot the image was, while Denmark was saying some seductive stuff in his native to tongue at it. Japan had a blush on his face and Canada was smiling. Looking up at the shadow, I confirmed they are right. It was beautiful. A familiar face was flying in the sky... At least the eyes, considering the bandana was still around her face. Black demon wings seemed to be coming out of her back. Denmark had a look of realization on his face at the eyes. He knew those eyes in the Viking days. A smile spread across his face like Canada's for the memories of his first crush he couldn't let go. America noticed them too. They were from the girl at the party he had been after. His face was red. Canada had already knew. Australia thought he was gay but is now relieved that he isn't due to the small amount of figure you could see through ripped armor. Japan knew who it was from a dream.  Blush spread like wildfire. I was in shock. She was dead for sure. When they thought the threat of my men were gone, she flew down. The female I missed took off the armor and such until her curves could be fully seen, making every guy around her red. She stretched and prepared to leave, until a lone soldier of mine came from no where. " DO NOT ENGAGE" I screamed. He kept going and at close range pulled a gun out and started spraying bullets. They all hit somebody. The victim turned and shot him dead. They locked eye contact with me and gave a smile. As Fox smiled, she collapsed. The small amount of color drained from her face. The mighty country fell, blood staining the snow. Russia's allies had bombed Froxxusica  until the majority had died. So Froxxusica practically didn't exist anymore. 

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