Why should I care?

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I removed my mask. " About what." They looked at me in worry. My hand reached up to take my mouth guard. My voice went to normal since my voice changer was built into it. " Fox, you showed up while everyone was still there, you could of got caught! Or worst, killed!", Bunny cried. Squirrel stood up, joining the conversation. She has been surprisingly quiet. " I won't always be here to revive you. We only have so many more lives to waste in this time." There was a long silence for those words to be settled. " I'm going to my fuckin room, and don't even bother me..." I spoke as I started to trudge to my room. Upon opening the door to my darkened room. The door slammed shut after me. I peeled off my hoodie to reveal my tank. My boots were also removed. I collapsed on my bed, only to flinch away in slight shock. I felt a the air suddenly and my vision blackened for a second. My room grew colder if possible. My eyes found their way to my door. It hadn't been opened but a figure stood their. I blinked only for it to disappear. My insomnia was soothed for now. I took advantage of this so I could attempt to sleep. Soon my drowsiness claimed my conscious mind. 

I woke up the next night. Of course I slept all day, I don't want to deal with they're shit. With my body fully awake, I started to get ready for another fun night.  My mask fit back over my mouth guard. " Welp, I'm bored..." My voice spoke to test if my voice changer was still working. When I was positive, I slipped into my hoodie and boots again. There were no blood stains on them, so Bunny must've snuck in and cleaned the mess out of them. When I was fully prepped, jumping out the window seemed like the smartest choice. Opening the window, the cold air rushed into my mask. With that I began my spree. I jumped to a nearby tree branch. When my feet met wood, my body lurched for a second. Only then did I remember, it's winter, it's snowing, this branch is covered in ice.  How idiotic of me to not realize this. After the tree incident, my feet carried me to an apartment complex. A young man walked out, whom I recognized easily as a country, America the hero. So I decided if he is a hero, I will  be a villain. After all he did try to catch me, the most internationally wanted criminal of all time! He turned a left corner, I followed just in time to see a girl. This is too easy... The girl turned into an alley. Dead end. I pulled out my gun and a black kitana, because I'm a weapon specialists with all types of weapons on me. She turned around in time to see me land in front of her. It was deathly silent. Under my mask was a full blown smile. My ears caught the sound of America a few buildings down getting closer. " W-who are you?" She asked in a fearful whisper. No response except a slice from the kitana. She screamed in fear and pain. A few slices later it was perfectly quiet except for the sound of ragged breath around the corner coming from Alfred. Too late hero. I ran up the wall and grabbed a fire escape, and grabbed the edge of the roof to pull myself up and watch. When the young man rounded the corner he met the sight. Blood. Everywhere. The girl looked at him and pointed with a shaken hand up to me before collapsing dead. He looked up at me. I waved joyfully. " WAZZUP DUDE HOW YA DOIN?!?!" I yelled as if I didn't just commit a murder. " WE WILL MEET AGAIN AND THE NATION WILL MAKE YOU PAY!!!"

It's my life ( Hetalia )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz