Sharing is caring they said.

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We trugded through the woods. Canada, Denmark, and I walked easily through the snow, seeing as we were used to the cold. Our group had been walking for miles. America and Denmark kept talking about random stuff, probaly attracting attention. Finally, I heard voices other than theirs and praise the lord, they were Froxxusicanese. Rushing to camp now, everyone followed me questioning my motives until they too, heard the ruckus. Soon we were greeted with my many soldiers and the smell of our food crossed the area. Before I could get to that, Japan walked up and asked where the countries were staying to become allies. Sighing, I informed him that we would be sharing a tent and such then the American came in saying " DUDE SHARING IS CARING!!!" I didn't care though I was annoyed for I wanted food. My feet brought me to le food so stuffing my face was a must. After everyone had eaten, my task was to bring the countries to our very large tent. Seeing it was dark out, and it was my turn for night watch, I told the countries to get some sleep. In my uniform, my feet brought me to my post. For what seemed like hours, I sat there, looking out into the night, wishing to be free from this war I started, yet still consumed with dread I kept going. Most of the time Bunny liked to call me a misunderstood hero than a demonic killer. Starting to chuckle, my memories with my friends came back. The fights, the apologies, everything. How this is just one of our lives.

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