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Squirrel, Light, Snake, And Cheetah were on Russia's team. The rest were on mine. Many countries were waiting to meet me to become allies, and the first one was to pick them up. So I was on my way to meet them. My figure was dressed in my soldier uniform. Why? Because they decided they would meet me at my war camp. The camp was in an unknown location so I was sent to pick them up. 

My feet carried me for hours through the woods till I found the drop off point. Collapsing against a tree, my only mission right now was to find the heavily armed Froxxusicanese plane that would drop him off here, in the snowy field. From there my job was to protect any countries with my life that teamed with me. My ears perked up as I heard a noise of a plane soon showing it. Gun lifted to the air, I fired a shot straight up to show I was there. It started landing, and once it did, soldiers spilled out. The American walked out last with a grin on his face. They got in formation and saluted as they noticed me while Alfred stood there confused. Finally arriving, the new recruits started laughing at my smallness. I walked up to the toughest one who was laughing the most. America couldn't see me so he had no clue what they were laughing at until the man fell, revealing my person. My boots walked over the soldier and I stopped right on his chest and leaned down till I was in his face and stated in a monotone demonic voice due to the filter in my gas mask. His eyes tried finding mine but the shades over my face did their job well. " What's so funny soldier? This is war and you could've alerted the enemy where we were. If I'm so small why did I beat your ass so easily- " the sentence was cut off as an American tackled me in a hug. " FROXXUSICA, DUDE ITS SO GOOD TO SEE YA!! I CANT BELEIVE WE WILL SHARE OUR LIVING QUARTERS TILL THEN!" My eyes widened. I had to share a room with other countries. Brushing it off, I observed his clothes. They weren't good for fighting. A recruit took notice and got some armor and a gun for him. "Change into these." The country looked at it in question then began to take off his shirt which revealed nice abs. When he was done, we began to travel on foot through the woods. " Why aren't the others coming?" He questioned, only to be cut off by gunfire up ahead and shouting. " Fuck, that's where we are supposed to pick up the rest..." I started running towards the noise until I reached a clearing. Some were taking shelter while my soldiers fought. The countries sat there behind a helicopter. America ran up behind and noticed what I was staring at. Canada, Denmark, Australia and Japan sat taking shelter as Russian troops invaded the place. A Russian threw a bomb at America and I suddenly. Tackling him to the ground, my fingers worked at trying to get a gun out. A warm blast of heat and fire blasted behind me. Ringing filled my ears from the sudden noise of the explosion. The man under me started choking on smoke so I started to get up and move him away. When we found a good spot, which was a snow covered- low hanging tree, we put him there. America was still coughing, so my fingers started working on the straps on the back of my head. Finally getting the gas mask off, I put it on his face, hoping he wouldn't open his eyes. Just in case I brought my hand over my mouth, making sure the bandages hiding one eye were still on tight.

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