Greetings...Masky and Hoodie!

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Meeting Another Pasta

Masky didn't really have any friends aside from Hoodie, but you had already met him, since the two are hardly apart. You just shrugged when Hoodie came along with Masky one day while you two were hanging out. It didn't bother you much, to be honest. You liked how outgoing and brotherly the two were. They kept nice company together.

Much to Hoodie's dismay, you met Toby. Toby had followed Hoodie to your house, as ordered by Slenderman to see where Hoodie was always wondering off to. Toby was nothing like Hoodie had described him to be. Hoodie always said he was loud and obnoxious sometimes, but he didn't seem that way at all when he met you.

When You Talk About a Boy

You didn't usually talk about your life to Masky, unless something was REALLY bothering you. Today was one of those days. A boy had said something to you about your butt looking really nice and you didn't like that. Masky suggest you not do anything violent, rather you just ignore the boy. But, he said if he ever does it again, Masky will have a very stern talking to with him in order to knock some sense into his brain. You almost feared that meant murder.

Hoodie didn't really listen to much of what you were saying, until you got to the part where some boy asked you out on a date. You had never really seen Hoodie angry until this moment, when he suddenly sat up and asked for the boy's name and address, going on about something along the lines of no one else getting to you. You didn't understand or really mind that much, so you settled Hoodie down and told him about how you told the boy no. You had your eyes elsewhere, anyway.


Why give him a nickname if he already had one? Well, you thought calling him "Masky" all the time was boring. So one day you called him "Timmy". At first, he did not like it at all. But eventually he gave in. Something about the lightness in your voice when you said it made his heart flutter.

"The Hood-Miser" that is was the nickname you gave him. He hated it, but never told you that. He thought it was absolutely adorable the way you said it, then proceeded to do finger guns. He just thought you were super cute, so he really let anything slide with you.

He Asks You Out... (kind of)

He had been really nervous for this. Can you imagine how many things could go wrong? You could say no and laugh at him, or worse, you could say no and then never talk to you again. He decided if either of those happen, he would just have to kill you. Thankfully, you said yes. He didn't tell you about his plan to kill you if you said no. Probably for the better, as you would have been offended if he did that.

He was too scared to actually ask you out, so he did it with pebbles. He spelled out the words, "Will you go out with me?" on your porch with them, and hid nearby to wait for you to answer. The letters were a little lopsided, but you gave him credit for the creativity. You snuck up behind him and said yes, which he screamed like a little girl, and then hugged you. It took a long time to find all those pebbles, so he was thankful you said yes.

His Favourite Thing About You

Masky loved your bedroom. It was a weird thing to love, trust me we all know. But he loved it. It made him feel at home. Plus, he thought all of your posters were cute, and your bed was very soft. He liked it the best when you two would lay in the bed and just talk about anything. Or not talk at all, either way, he loved it.

He loved your secret love of plushies. You had so many, a lot of them were from anime, and you had a LOT of Pokemon. His favourite of all of them was probably the Navi plush (LoZ). It was pretty big, and fun to cuddle. You kept them all shoved away in your closet, but whenever Hoodie came over he insisted on pulling all of them down.

Listening to Music

My Own Worst Enemy – Lit

You pressed shuffle on your phone and this was the first song that played. Not that it bothered you, you loved the song. You sang and danced and even did a little air guitar. Masky loved the show you put on; and gave you two pennies after you said, "That was not a free concert".

You were...obsessed with the video game Until Dawn, to put it lightly. And Hoodie knew this, so it was absolutely no shock to him when the song "O Death" came on shuffle from your phone. It was the main theme from the game that brings you into everything. It was a beautiful song and you singing it was equally if not more beautiful in Hoodie's opinion.

You Call Him by His Full Name

You had requested that Masky not show up to your home as often anymore. You were behind in schoolwork, and your grades were showing it. He however did not listen. He showed up multiple times and didn't let you work any of them. Eventually, you snapped.

"Timothy! I need to get this stuff done so I don't fail and have to take summer school!" You shouted loudly, startling him.

Masky shrank back, "Oh," he paused, "I'm sorry." He put his head down and then left the room. You usually would have felt really bad, but right now, you were too stressed and worried about your schoolwork than anything else. You'd apologise to him later.

Hoodie didn't really give you a reason to call him by his full name, but you just wanted to see how he reacted.

"Hey, Brian, can you pass me that book over there?" You asked, waiting for his reaction.

He almost didn't realize you called him Brian, and before handing you the book, he questioned you, "Why did you call me Brian?"

"That's your name," You shrugged, "I never had before and I wanted to know how you're react."

"Well, I don't really like it, so please don't do it again," He handed you the book but stayed looking at you instead of going back to what he was doing.

"Okay, sorry, Hood-Miser." You grinned as you went back to writing your essay. He rolled his eyes as you put your finger guns down. But he had a smile under the mask.

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