Greetings...Masky and Hoodie!

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When You Meet

You first met Masky while you were at the park. You were on the swing, minding your own business, when you saw a man creep up out of nowhere. Of course, this frightened you a little. A random man just appearing from the tree line? He ended up coming over to where you were on the swings and began to swing next to you. You were less frightened for some reason now that you could see him up close. He didn't seem threatening, aside from the weird mask.

"I'm Masky." He said, "Who're you?"

"(Y/N)..." You spoke slowly, "What are you doing here?" You were still frightened, as it's not everyday a random masked man approached you and said his name is "Masky".

"I was looking for a friend," He looked over at you, or you assumed he did at least, "And you seemed friendly."

Hoodie had been watching you for a while before you met him. Watching you walk home, buy groceries. Anything you did, Hoodie was aware of. Of course you didn't know this, you had never even seen him before he accidentally blew his cover one night by following too close behind you.

"Why're you following me?" You didn't look behind you, or stop walking when you asked this, you were prepared to make a run for it if you needed to, and your keys were between your fingers like Wolverine. Walking alone at night wasn't safe like it used to be. The world is full of freaks anymore.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you or anything. I've just wanted to talk to you for so long but I figured you wouldn't speak to me because of my mask.." He said, "I mean, look at me, I mean I'm not exactly eye candy.."

You turned around, to be greeted by a man in a yellow hoodie, with a black mask with a red frowny face. You refused to walk close to him, but you would talk from a distance. "You're frowning forever. You're never happy?"

"Not really, no," He shrugged, "I'm Hoodie." He knew you'd introduce yourself next. But he already knew who you were.

"(Y/N)." You greeted, "Nice to meet you, Hoodie. Please stop following me. If you want to talk, we'll meet up somewhere?"

When You Meet Again

While it is no surprise to see Masky every so often, you spotted him while you were in the gas station. There was a weird vibe in the place as soon as he walked into the room. You assumed this was because everyone was anxious about the man with the funny mask who just walked in. He approached you and the two of you chatted away, later agreeing to meet up sometime to go see a movie together.

Hoodie didn't like being caught up in big crowds, but for you, he would be willing. You spotted him waiting for you outside of your school, near your car. You beamed when you saw him, happy as ever to see your friend. He always seemed to make your mood a million times better.

Randomly Seeing Him

You were minding your own business, watching a movie in your room around 10pm. That's when you spotted him, Masky, just looking in your window. You almost screamed, rather it just came out as a squeal. He obviously heard you and then he freaked out, and fell out of the tree he was on (your room is on the second story of your home). You ran outside to make sure he was okay, and once he told you he was, you hit him across the head for invading your privacy. He apologised.

You weren't shocked by much anymore, especially not seeing Hoodie, but this time around seeing Hoodie actually had shocked you. You didn't expect to ever see him in a car, driving next to you. He didn't see you, but you saw him, and almost wrecked into the car in front of you. When you saw him later that day back at your house, you brought it up. He simply said "That was you that almost died next to me today?"

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