"What? For real? Why? I mean...." I'm happy of course, but it sounds suspicious. Who would put in a big amount of money in a falling company? "Dad, have you checked on it? Who is it?"

"The investor didn't want to be known. But, of course we did some investigating. Turns out he's just a rich guy who's too young to start his own company. So, he decided to gamble in ours."

"Dad!" Who could it be? "Name?"

"Rey Wagner. He's European." 

"Are you sure about this?" Although the name doesn't ring a bell, I'm still feeling doubtful about it. 

"We have nothing to lose, Ah-Cy. Leave it to us." 

Yeah right! Look at the company now. Still, I have to put my trust on him. "Ok. Anyway, I have to go."

"Just call us if you need anything, Princess. We love you." 

"I love you, too, Dad. Say hi to mom for me. I miss you. I'll come see you as soon as everything's settled here."

At least I don't have to worry about them for a while. Now....where were we? Oh yeah! Those chefs. Damn! "Vic? Have you called anyone yet?" 



I miss her already. Although I just talked to her on Skype last night when they moved, it's still different from being close to her. 

After this, we have to prepare for the JYP Nation tour. Ugh! In times like this, I just want to quit. But, I know she's also trying her best to succeed in her own field, I have to do the same. 

We get to the hotel after having dinner out with the crew. We just finished the last fan meet we have in Japan. Tomorrow, we'll be heading back to Korea. I hope I would see her before the group starts with the practices again. 

Jackson sits on the bed with me while I'm dialing Jess' number. 


"Hm?" I look up and put the phone on my ear. "Jess?" I say as soon as she answers on the other line. I put up my hand at Jackson, who frowns and throws the pillow at me. 

"Hey!" Jess says. She sounds a bit troubled. 

"Is everything ok?" 

"Yeah. Just tired. How was your fan meet?" 

"It was successful. A little tiring though. Anyway, I'm gonna see you tomorrow, right?" I ask, a bit too enthusiastic. 

"Oh...yeah...sure!" But, she doesn't really sound as excited as me. 

"Babe, what's wrong?" I can sense that something's up. I can hear Vic and Cuifen arguing in the background. "Are you still in the restaurant?" I look at the time on my phone and it says 10:00 PM. 

"Ah. Yeah. The opening is only a few days away. We need to do over time work." Her voice is a bit husky, she doesn't sound fine to me. 

"I know something's wrong. What is it? I can hear it from your voice." 

"Everything's fine, Mark. Don't worry. I miss you!" Her tone did a complete turn, she sounds really sweet now. 

"I miss you, too, Babe. Now, go get some rest."

"I will. Bye, Mark. Thanks for calling."

"I love you, Jess."

"Is everything ok? You sound worried." Jackson comes back to my side as soon as I hang up.

I Love You, But I Lied - Mark Tuan and Got7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now