Blanc White Purrt 2

Start from the beginning

How he hated those people.


Chat Blanc groaned— boarder line growled as he heard Alya call out to him. The boy quickly hid his teeth, and forced himself to face her. She smiled and held up her phone in his face, causing him to frown and push it away.

He respected her and her dream to blog and uncover LadyBug, but she crossed the line when in pursuit of him and his identity. He wanted freedom as Chat Blanc and she could be the one to take it all away if he said one thing out of line. "What do you want from me?" he asked, as rude as possible. Perhaps the hostility in his tone would drive her away.

She only grinned at him and held up her phone in his face again. He groaned and frowned, letting his teeth bare. His eyes narrowed with flattened ears. "I just wanted to interview you, Monsieur."

He glared daggers and turned away from her and the camera and began to walk away. As he reached for his staff to pole volt out of the scene, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. The journalist froze, letting go as though he caught fire, from his stare; with his pupils were just black slits. "I don't have time to answer questions."

"Just a couple," she pressed. He saw her eyebrows furrow out an angle. Her phone was shaking slightly, but it was handled well to try and make it as unnoticeable as possible. He blinked and threw his head to a side, placing his hands on his hips.

-beep beep- "Just one question. You better make it good since I only have a few minutes left."

She smiled widely and jumped in joy. He only raised an eyebrow. She saw him and giggled nervously, calming herself. "Sorry." The phone was backed up to give him a good, comfortable space. "Chat Blanc, will you please tell us why you aren't assisting LadyBug in the Akuma attacks? Almost all of Paris saw you fight along side her against Stoneheart and the mass of black butterflies. But then you suddenly have a new taste in color and make it clear that you aren't fighting with her. Care to explain?"

Chat Blanc's ring blinked again. "Listen, kid. Hero stuff is left to the heroes. Villain stuff is left to the villains. I simply don't want to deal with any of the other's affairs. Well, unless they either bother me or entertain me. Depending on which the Akuma causes, I'll take my part in the fight."

"But where do you stand when with Paris' hero? Many speculate that you were Akumatized, since you seemed egger to help in your black suit."

His ring beeped again. "I was never egger, madam," he smirked. "Fighting against her is just as exciting as fighting with her." He gave her a mocking two finger salute, and jumped away from the scene.

Alya was dumbfounded by his responses. She fiddled with her phone for a bit before pausing it and editing.

Adrien leaped from house to house and swung into his room. It was quiet as usual until Plagg de-transformed him with an exaggerated groan. The blonde rolled his eyes and gave his kwami some cheese. "Stop being so dramatic."

"I'm sorry if I'm too exhausted from transforming you at every chance you get." He nibbled into the cheese quietly. "You seriously need to refrain from overusing my gift to you. Bring Chat Noir is a privilege, not a right given by birth."

The boy scoffed as he placed the weak kwami on his desk. Leaning against his window and staring at the sky, he began to zone out, distracted by his thoughts.

His mind wandered back to the first sight of Papillon. He caused a conflict with him and LadyBug, demanding possession of their miraculous. At that point, something clicked to him. His chances to be himself were in danger. His freedom was in danger.

And all because people thought he was a hero against the butterfly man.

He had demanded Plagg to transform his suit white and his bell platinum. He refused to answer LadyBug's calls and only came out whenever he felt it necessary. He was basically a cat, so he'd act like one.

"Kid? Earth to Blondie."

"What?" Scowled the boy.

His kwami glared at him. "LadyBug is trying to contact you." Adrien rolled his eyes. Why was she so needy on him? "Are you going to answer?"

"No," he answered bluntly.

Plagg glared at the boy with his unfriendly slit eyes. "You have a responsibility as the holder of my miraculous. You can't just ignore that, kid."

Adrien scoffed. "She's only going to demand I go on a patrol with her. It's not that important."

"Adrien." His name got the boy's attention. "I know you don't want to work with her because of Papillon. I understand that you're protecting the miraculous in a way different than ideal. But you can't ignore the fact that they are meant to work together as one."

Adrien sighed and sat on his bed, miffed. "I prefer to keep my powers, and if staying away from her and not letting Papillon obtain both in one swoop is how, so be it."

"That's selfish," scolded the black fairy.

Adrien laughed harshly and sneered at the kwami. "I guess I get I from you and the cat-like tendencies."

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