Chapter 10 - All's Fair in Love and Court

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I got up to go dry my eyes and have some alone time on Ashley's bunk, which was now my bunk. I turned my head to the wall as I lay down, noticing all the photos Ashley had stuck on there. There was a few from inside the tour bus, a couple from signings and tours, then the rest on the back wall were of us two, the majority taken together. A tear ran down my face in anger and confusion; there were too many feelings spinning over me that it just curdled into frustration! I wiped the tears away as I heard Andy calling my name from outiside the curtain of my bunk. "Ruby? You okay?" I drew back the curtain to see his comforting, caring face.

"Whatcha think? I have to stand up in front of a judge in a few days and tell a bunch of people why I hate Ashley so much."

"Well if you don't wanna face it all, let him go. Tell the judge he's innocent." Andy suggested.

"He may be innocent in court but not to me. I want him locked up in that cell for the rest on his life. I'm gonna destroy him in the case." I glared and stormed off to get changed into something a little dressier for Jake's birthday dinner at the Blue Dragon; his faveourite restaraunt for two reasons: the open bar...and the Japanese whiskey he loved.

We got to the restaraunt and sat at our reserved table. There was a spare seat; we booked the table before all this mayhem with Ashley began. Fucking hell, I could not get the court case out of my mind!!!! Andy stared at me over his menu as I fiddled with the three forks by my left hand. He attempted small talk with me "So Ruby, what's your starsign? Mine's Sagittarius...I think that's a bow and arrow." I thought for a second before I responded...I didn't know what my starsign was.

" don't know"

"Well when's your birthday? That's how you work it out" Jinxx said across the table.

"I dunno I don't really celebrate it. I know I'm seventeen...that's about all I know" Everyone looked at me like I was stupid. It's not my fault I was never told when I was born!

"You do realise that if you got it wrong you could stop this whole court case. If you're older than you think then Ashley could be completely innocent!"

"Andy. Drive me to the library. I wanna see when my birthday is." Andy chucked his keys in the air and caught them in his fist. We got in the car and drove five blocks down to the library. When we got in, there were tons of aisles of books and files lit dimmly by a low running light. "Excuse me" I tapped the short, grey haired librarian on the shoudler "Do you have any birth certificates here?"

"Yes. This way." She led me and Andy to an aisle with millions of boxes of paper with alphabetical files in them. "Name?"

"Ruby Danzig." She grabbed a stepladder from the corner and shuffled down a box with the letter 'D' written with a marker pen on it. The woman handed Andy the box and we went to a table and looked through around 50 Ruby Danzigs. Eventually, we found mine.


It was the day of the court case. Andy, Jake, Jinxx and CC were all dressed in suits ready for witnessing the case, and I was dressed in a pencil skirt, blouse and seemingly uncomfortable heels. We got to court with hearts racing, hands shaking, and nothing but fear in our minds. I was told to wait outside in the corridor before going in. they called my name and I walked in being followed by my lawyer. Ashley stood at the desk next to mine with guilt written all over his face. I looked at him blankly and turned back to face the judge. She whacked her gavel on her oversized desk and began, stating the court was now in session.

About 30 minutes passed of both our attourney's rading statements and questioning Ashley and myself. All I said was lies, but to my suprise Ashley went along with everything I said, backing up each point, defending my accusations. Eventually Ashlry had to hand me his statement. He handed it to me in a file as a creased slip of lined paper fell on the floor. " the slip." He whispered to me. I assumed that meant the paper that was dropped on the floor. I picked it up to read:

Dear Ruby

I know you're angry at me, and I've finally gotten it into my head that you will never forgive me. But I don't wanna let you go until you've got me locked up in that cell forever, which I know is exactly what you want. I'll defend whatever your case is, I know I don't deserve you which is why I'll do so. I know you hate me. But what I definately know is that I'm completely in love with you. I'll die for you. That may be possible cos my cellmate is a murderer.

I love you

I'll miss you

Never forget you


A tear dripped down my face as a cloud of love and forgiveness came over me. I knew for a fact now that I love him back. I folded the letter and put my hand up. "Your honor, She darted her eyes towards me "I withdraw my case...Ashley's innocent."

"Do you have proof?"

"Yes. A few days ago, I found my birth certificate in the library, and it actually states that...I'm 19." An overdramatised gasp came from CC. I handed her my birth certificate and she studied it in her hand

"Well then, this case is closed. Ashley are not guilty." The judge whacked her gavel again and I walekd over to Ashley with another waterfall in my eyes. I stroked his tearful face with my thumb and pulled him into a long, missed, loved kiss.

Rebel Love Song (Andy Sixx Biersack Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon