Chapter 7 - Next Morning Blues

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I woke up before the others the next morning. It was raining but I decided to steal one of Andy's cigarettes and gho outside anyway. Then he came out with a hoodie on, and a spare one in his hand for me- he'd obviously noticed I'd gone outside.

"Hey." He said over the rain.

"Hey. Listen about last nigh-"

"Yeah. It was..." he trailed off after interrupting me.

"A mistake?"

"More like the best thing that ever happened to me. I want you Ruby, I love you."

"I love you too," He came closer and kissed me softly as rain poured down over our cheeks. "But I can't do this rigth now. I'm not in the right place to date anyone else. I need to get over Ashley before I can move onto someone new." Andy looked gutted. Despite the rain pouring down his face, I could still see the tears in his eyes. I decided to leave it at that and go back inside. I stepped back into the tour bus, now with Jinxx awake.

"Hey kiddo. Y'okay?"

"Meh..." I shrugged. At this moment in time I didn't know how to feel.

"Awww, I'm sorry. I had nothing to do with any of it by the way I didn't wanna get involved."

"It's ok. I'm not really mad at Jake or CC. It's Ashley's fault. I was just starting to love him and he went and broke my heart...then I had to go break Andy's" I mumbled the last part hoping Jinxx wouldn't hear...but he did.

"Andy? How? I mean- I knew he liked you but what happened?" Jinxx leaned in eager to hear the gossip.

"Well....we kinda...we kissed last night and I told him I loved him, then this morning I told him I didn't wanna be with him until I'm over Ashley." Guilt rose in my gut, giving me a seering stomach ache.

"Seriously?! You really got it in for BVB don't ya kid! Who's next, CC?!"

"Haha, no I'm not out to get anyone. Although some damage may need to be done to him over there." I jolted my head towards Ashley, who was sleeping with his head hanging over the edge of the couch. Just at that moment, he woke up, leaving me silent and still.

"Morning." He groaned to himself and anyone who was awake.

"Hey man" Jinxx replied solemnly. Ashley then stretched, stood up and went outside for a cigarette.


I couldn't hold the tears in any longer. I wanted to kill Ashley; what he did to Ruby was way out of the question and because of that mother fucker the girl I loved so much didn't want me.

Ashley stepped out of the bus, noticing the dark glare I directed at him. "I hope you're happy. You broke Ruby's heart, I had her out here crying for hours last night" My fists were clenched, my teeth were gritted...I was ready to punch the crap out of him.

"Dude come on, it was a mistake. We all make them! I'm pissed at myself honestly but I never intended for her to find out. I needed a new bass..." He shoved his hands in his pockets to hide the quivering. I couldn't hold it in any longer. My fist swung around and made his jaw bleed and his head dizzy. He fell to the ground and I kicked him aggressively in the ribs and began to punch him over and over with all the strength I had. Ruby was the one girl I truly loved, I wouldn't let her get hurt by this piece of shit! I hated Ashley...I HATED HIM!!!!

Once he was too battered to speak I gave him one last kick in the stomach and went back inside. I got looks from everyone as if I'd killed someone. I looked down at my clothes to see I was covered in blood stains.

"Dude what the fuck did you do?" Jake got up and circled me. I didn't know how to answer, so I just walked away to take a shower.


I lay on the grass, letting the rain wash away the blood Andy had caused me to spill. I figured I'd get a punch or two from him...not a sour attempt at murder. I decided not to fight back at him...I'd done enough damage. When the blood was washed away I got up and limped back inside. The first person I set eyes on was Ruby. She had tears in her eyes. I'd obviously broken her heart as Andy clearly...expressed. "Hey man, you okay?" Jake came forward and tapped my shoulder, which hurt...alot.

"Fuck no! Andy punched the crap outta me. I think I've broken a rib!" I sat down and clenched my diaphram, feeling whether anything was out of place. I was hoping to get some sort of aid from Ruby, but she was too mad at me to even care if I was shot down like a dog. This was even more visible when two policeman stepped onto the tour bus.

"Hello boys. We're looking for an Ashley Purdy?" I looked up at them and slowly stood up.

"'s me." He took a pair of handcuffs from his belt.

"You're under arrest for paedophilia to a Miss...Ruby Tylerson." They trapped me in the handcuffs, fear made my heart sprint. "Is this Ruby?" He pointed towards her.

"What the-? Paedophilia?! I'm no paedophile! Ruby you know that's not true!" I pleaded for Ruby to give me justice.

"How old are you ma'am?"

"17." She stated quietly.

"And you're 28, that means this relationship is illegal. We're taking you away."

"NO! Ruby no please tell them it's not right, tell them it's not true I didn't rape you." I begged, I pleaded but she gave no response. That's when I was shoved into a police car, and taken away.

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