Chaper 8 - To The Jailhouse

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I felt a salty tear drip down my face as I got into the police car and got taken to my new home for quite some time...prison. I wished I could wipe the tears away so I didn't look like such a pussy, but my hands were clenched behind my back, and these stupid cuffs were getting tighter by the second.

I got out the police car and was surrounded by paparazzi. This would obviously be on the cover of Rocksound or something. I got inside and was taken to a big round desk where a box lay for me to put in all my jewellery, phone, keys, everything I had on me...including my clothes so I could be strip searched...which was really creepy seeing as there was some 50 year old takin' a peek at my...area shall we call it? Meaning the dude was perving on my dick...shivers!!! I kept thinking of Ruby, how heartbroken she was, how she acted when I was taken emotion at all. I wondered what she was doing now...crying for me? Jumping for joy? What were the guys doing too...most likely keeping quiet or arguing about what had happened. I knew exactly what was going through Andy's head: "He's so out of the band, I'm not having this! The ass hole betrayed me and broke Ruby's heart!" I lost everything: Ruby, my friends, the band, my career...most likely my hair too.

The guard gave me an orange jumpsuit to wear and led me into a grey brick cell with a dude around 40 or 50 with a scar down his left eye lay on the bed lookin' like a perv. "Alright Billy, here's ya new roomate! I'm sure you two will get along just fine!" The guard snarled and locked the cell behind us. I clung the bars as another tear fell down my face and Ruby's beautiful face flicked back into my head.

"Hey! Whatcha in for?" He smiled and showed me around 5 or 6 yellow teeth.

"D-doesn't matter." I turned around again.

"Oh c'mon man! I'll tell you if you tell me!" He grinned again...that's certainly gonna be disturbing at night!

"Um...paedophilia. BUT it was a mistake, I'm not a paedohphile."

"Well that old was she? What's the situation?"

"She's 17 going on 18. We started goin' out one night and then my friends made a bet with me that I couldn't keep it up for a week, I kept going with the bet and someone called the police and told me I was arrested for paedophilia."

"Awww man that sucks. Well if you tell 'em that then they'll probably let ya' go after the court case."

"Phew! So what you in for?"  I sighed and asked him.



I was so confused, I felt like Ashley deserved to go to prison, but then again I knew he was innocent. The court case would probably be in a few weeks, which meant I had a week to make my decision: clear his name or get him locked up for the next couple years. I just didn't know what to do! I didn't want to see him, but on the other hand I felt like we needed to talk. I made the decison to go and see him.

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