Chapter 1 - The Accident

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Another drunken night with a bunch of people I hardly even knew. I could barely see in front of me, my feet scraping the ground, yet I still managed to stumble to the top platform of the night club. There was a guy at the top, from what I could make out, he had gingery-blonde hair, chipped teeth and a big coat, which held a ton of dodgy substances, of which he was offering to me. I thought to myself "Fuck it. I'm already drunk, what harm can a couple drugs do?" little did I know...

I found myself placing my wobbly feet onto the beams of the ceiling, that vibrated from the noise some random band with tons of black make-up on that were playing. From up there, I felt like a circus act, but nobody wanted to watch...until I lost my balance and fell.


I woke up in what looked to be a hospital room. There were pastel green walls-quite a sickening colour for a place that made people better-and white furniture, on which were sitting five guys, all in black make-up, leather, silver chains, and fingerless gloves. Wait...these guys were playing the night I fell, I remember seeing the singer's hand grab the bar that I was standing on. I knew this band...they're on my iPod...Knives and Pens, Perfect Weapon, Fallen Angels...BLACK VEIL BRIDES!!! That's who they are! I felt confused, but slightly enlightened that I'd finally got to meet a good band for once. 

"Um...hi..." I said in a tired and deeply hungover voice

"Hey. How ya feelin'?" The tall, skinny lead singer-I think his name was Andrew or something-smiled at me eagerly

"Like absolute shit, I wanna get outta here!" I raised my voice slightly

"Well the doctors said you can go once you're concious. We'll drive you home, where'dya live?" The bassist smiled...were they trying to be nice?

"Where do I live? Anywhere I can find to be honest! Fuck parents I go my own way" I scoffed, they all looked...shocked.

" can stay with us for a while...if of want to?" Andrew said again.

"Yeah...that oughtta be a hell of a time! Running around with a bunch of gothic clowns, waiting to find a place of my own..." They all looked at me with the same suprised look as before...guess they thought I was a sweet little girl who sponged off her family...well....HELL NO! That is not me!

"Hey, we're happy to have you, you seem like a pretty cool person!" The drummer dude with creepy black teardrops smiled and squeezed my leg. I had an urge to swat his hand off, but because I decided to be...polite...I didn't, and got up to go get out of the scrubs I'd been put in, and into something I actually owned. They were still waiting in the room for me, I guess they really wanted me to go with them! Well too bad mother fuckers, like I said I go my own way and my own way only!!!

I grabbed my handbag I'd had from the night before and headed out the room, to the front doors of the hospital, not even bothering to check out. I ran out so they wouldn't be able to catch me escaping, but unfortunately Ashley (the bassist) grabbed me just before I headed out the door, and said "Look, we're not letting you go back to...wherever alone. You're just gonna get yourself into more trouble, and we won't allow it!" He looked at me like he knew what was coming: me dashing out the door, escaping from these wierdos that were the Black Veil Brides...

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